“Fun game. Riot in first half robbed me of a turn, and it almost cost me the score. A brilliant -2d puzzle block allowed SavageJ to push my ballcarrier out of bounds, but the throw in landed right in the endzone and I was able to pick it up on T8. 2nd half the elves of Savage Storm hung back waiting for their opportunity to strike at my end zone. They got close, but kept failing easy dodges and it just compounded. I had enough turns of hitting that I finally got a few stuns and that opened up a lane to the Phoenix Warrior (Thrower). Although he got away, he tripped on a gfi right next to my Chaos Warrior. A beastman came over to hand off and Count Arches was off to the races. The elves first attempt to down the slow CW was not successful, but the second attempt so him dodge through 2 TZs and get a push on a -2d Blitz. Now I had to blitz him out of the way and then make 2 gfis (or 1 if I got a POW). I got double skulls and the game ended :)
Both teams showed a few flashes of potential, but these squads need a lot of practice. Ash Triangle skilled up to Sure Hands (thank goodness, these guys are terrible at picking the ball up) and Anael Woodwind gained +ST for the Storm.
Good game, SavageJ. We'll have to play again soon.”
Both teams showed a few flashes of potential, but these squads need a lot of practice. Ash Triangle skilled up to Sure Hands (thank goodness, these guys are terrible at picking the ball up) and Anael Woodwind gained +ST for the Storm.
Good game, SavageJ. We'll have to play again soon.”