“Thx for this amazing matchreport, thx for blaming me being a bad player, thx for being proud of surfing 5 players... i did make mistakes, but you spiro aren't the bloodbowlgod too.
Learn to live with a lost match!
And btw: i hacked the rng, we all did, you're the only one on fumbbl who doesn't know how to do it ;-)”
“DatMonsta have played terrible bad, in 2 turn first half i'v surfed his catcher, 3 turn i'v surfed lino loner the crowd maked only kod them ; / obviously it's a not stopped his lucky dice generator to get first td, i mean 3 dodge and pass / catch okay i can understand this action, not 1 okie dokie, not too lucky, just enough.
In start my 4 turn i have read that my opponent has not too many luck ; / selfish objectivism, maybe because my witch surfed his two players without a snake eyes ; /
next drive, my 4 turn, pass 1 reroll, pass 1, the ball scatered to runner, catch 1 turn over. Oviously oppoent used it to picking up the ball and runaway.
My 5 turn, i surfed his ballcarrier, obviously only kod, the ball kicked from the crowd, my lino picke it up. Next opponent turn, the ball stripped with tackle skill okay. Opponent failed, at last, dodge in one TZ after picking the ball in one TZ
My 6 turn, i'v surfed dragon warrior and surfed thrower, both still only kod, i almost finished this action, but obviously one more fail on the blitz and rerolled loner. The ballcarrier undefended. Turn for opponent, blitz with 1 DB in my ballcarrier, succeded after reroll. Pick up and pass to a dragon warrior, fails.
My 7 turn, still i have chance to draw before end first half. Obviously once again my loner get skull and both down, however my ballcarrier is almost safe. 6 squares from td line.
Opponent 8 turn, crazy dodging in 1 and 2 TZ, blocking with 1 db and succeded, no skulls or 1. Totally lame turn i must say, but okie dokie. Finally two GFI without reroll with lino and a bunch of dodges in 1 TZ with catcher and another lino.
My turn 8, still have a chance to draw it and what happened ???
Blitz and double skull, without stupid dodging, stupid 1 db blocking and others lame playing.
Deduction, i just can't hang on these lame matches, can't fight against incredible stupid luck with my double skulls, just i can't explain this rationally. it's frustrating as hell and i am sure that would be frustrating for anyone else.
I think possible, that i can't play normally on this account and on this client, i have too many anger and malicious hostiles. I am not bad player, but since 30 games my matches are diced as hell. Maybe i should delete all my teams from this account ; /
Next half even more stupid than first, obviously blitz for opponent.
It's just ridiculous undeserved win ; / ; / ; /
edit : You'v hacked it, uhhh ohhh okay, now i have no more question, ohh and learn how to be more objectived, if you noticed or not i have had a bunch of matches like that in Box then don't worry i am accustomed to losing.
I swaer if i would be you then i would be really embarassed by this stupid win, but i see, that it's over you totally.
Ps if i'v surfed 5 your players then it's not my credit, but your bad positioning, however here lame playing isn't losing match.”
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Learn to live with a lost match!
And btw: i hacked the rng, we all did, you're the only one on fumbbl who doesn't know how to do it ;-)”