“In sweltering heat throughout, I'd say I had the worst of it, especially with kick-off results. A Blitz when receiving first up, though the Wraithwings did recover from it and score, probably cost them in injuries. The Nurgle replied, scoring in the last two turns of the first half with a passing move despite the Rotter with the ball getting sacked.
The second half was a total drubbing, beginning with a most unwanted touchback; the Elves were quickly decimated, leaving the Nurgle a serene walk to the endzone...however, Taurelin Fastspear had other ideas - angered by continuous fowling, he sacked the Warrior with the ball, leap into the midst of the diseased throng, but couldn't pick up the ball. The Rotters wasted their last reroll before attempting to pickup the ball in the endzone with a Warrior, and failed, leaving the Wraithwings the surprised recipients of a tie in a game they were well out of.”
The second half was a total drubbing, beginning with a most unwanted touchback; the Elves were quickly decimated, leaving the Nurgle a serene walk to the endzone...however, Taurelin Fastspear had other ideas - angered by continuous fowling, he sacked the Warrior with the ball, leap into the midst of the diseased throng, but couldn't pick up the ball. The Rotters wasted their last reroll before attempting to pickup the ball in the endzone with a Warrior, and failed, leaving the Wraithwings the surprised recipients of a tie in a game they were well out of.”