“A sad game, struck heavily by Nuffle. Starting out with 2 KOs on my side in the first 2 turns (one of which never woke up), the game was determined entirely by the dice, with myself having next to no chance to ever recover or make any serious attempt at scoring.
While only 1 team player between the two of us having block, I found myself using all my rerolls on blocks simply to prevent early turnovers, while the rival team was only forced to use 1 reroll on a block and it being a gratious one near the end of the game.
Suffering numerous early turnovers on simple 2 dice blocks and 3+ dodges, the rival team suffered not a single turnover at a critical stage.
With 39 blocks, I was only able to break the enemy armor a grand total of 2 times. Really, I never stood a chance.”
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his response: so we play like like that? now i go afk for 30min
he only went afk for 3 minutes though ;p”