Chaos Pact Turn 4: Limbo blocks Dosin(P) and knocks the ball loose.
Wrathful fails to catch a scattered ball.
Chaos Pact Turn 5: Wrathful picks up the ball.
Wrathful SCORES **Chaos Pact 1 - 0 Norse**
Dosin(B) stays unconcious.
2nd kickoff: Weather Change (Nice to Nice).
Norse Turn 6: Bigmus blocks Lust (cas,RIP).
Dosin(P) picks up the ball with a reroll.
Dosin(P) makes an accurate pass.
Ethelreda fails to catch an accurate pass.
Norse Turn 7: Ethelreda picks up the ball.
Dosin(P) fails to catch a hand over.
Chaos Pact Turn 8: Envious picks up the ball with a reroll.
Envious makes an accurate pass.
Fraud catches an accurate pass.
Fraud SCORES **Chaos Pact 2 - 0 Norse**
Weather: Nice
Chaos Pact won the toss and choose to KICK.
1st kickoff: Brilliant Coaching, Chaos Pact get a reroll.
Norse Turn 1: Dosin(P) fails to pick up the ball.
Chaos Pact Turn 1: Anger blocks Bokid (cas, BH).
Norse Turn 2: Dosin(P) fails to pick up the ball.
Norse Turn 3: Dosin(P) picks up the ball.
Dosin(B) blocks Anger but skulls (KO).
Chaos Pact Turn 3: Fraud blocks Bachilda (cas,MNG).
Chaos Pact Turn 4: Limbo blocks Dosin(P) and knocks the ball loose.
Wrathful fails to catch a scattered ball.
Chaos Pact Turn 5: Wrathful picks up the ball.
Wrathful SCORES **Chaos Pact 1 - 0 Norse**
Dosin(B) stays unconcious.
2nd kickoff: Weather Change (Nice to Nice).
Norse Turn 6: Bigmus blocks Lust (cas,RIP).
Dosin(P) picks up the ball with a reroll.
Dosin(P) makes an accurate pass.
Ethelreda fails to catch an accurate pass.
Norse Turn 7: Ethelreda picks up the ball.
Dosin(P) fails to catch a hand over.
Chaos Pact Turn 7: Greed blocks Petter (KO).
Anger blocks Aaric (KO).
Chaos Pact Turn 8: Envious picks up the ball with a reroll.
Envious makes an accurate pass.
Fraud catches an accurate pass.
Fraud SCORES **Chaos Pact 2 - 0 Norse**
HALFTIME **Chaos Pact 2 - 0 Norse**
Aaric regains conciousness.
Dosin(B) regains conciousness.
Petter regains conciousness.
3rd kickoff: Weather Change (Nice to Nice).
Chaos Pact Turn 1: Greed blocks Toltiz (KO).
Chaos Pact Turn 2: Violence picks up the ball.
Chaos Pact Turn 3: Proud blocks Holtz (KO).
Limbo surfs Aaric (stun).
Treachery blocks Bublinz (cas, -AV).
Apothecary used on Bublinz (BH, BH accepted).
Norse Turn 3: Dosin(B) blocks Violence and knocks the ball loose.
Chaos Pact Turn 4: Greed fails to pick up the ball.
Chaos Pact Turn 5: Violence picks up the ball.
Chaos Pact Turn 6: Violence SCORES **Chaos Pact 3 - 0 Norse**
Holtz stays unconcious.
Toltiz stays unconcious.
4th kickoff: Quick Snap.
Norse Turn 7: Dosin(P) picks up the ball.
Norse Turn 8: Dosin(P) makes an accurate pass.
Petter catches an accurate pass.
FULL TIME **Chaos Pact 3 - 0 Norse**”