CTV 1720k Chaos Chosen

No change

Inducements: Star player Max Spleenripper
Chaos Chosen CTV 1850k
80k (-10000)

21000 (2 FAME)

No change
#11 Judas Cradle – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#17 Evander Hideousfire – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
However, it seems that coaches like Bill don't realise that. He cried off T 2 when there was a mix of my good dice and his not so good. But instead of insulting nuffle, he had a dig at me, go figure. I really don't like that at all, but Bill can be fun, or he can be the most horrible arrogant coach in FUMBBL (aside from Lizvis of course!)
The dice turned south on me, and Bill preceeded to smash me across the pitch with superior ball play and striking. Again, this is fine, I'm in a position where I can take the rough with the smooth. But Bill made this as unpleasant a BB experience as I have ever had. Despite me asking him to stop and calling him an idiot, he just cranked it up. Fine, I can't stop coaches behaving as they will here. But thankfully I can put Bill on /ignore in IRC and never speak to him in game when I have the misfourtune of drawing him in the box.
Sorry Bill, we have had some good games, but if you look back on some of the past reports you'll find this isn't the 1st time you've pulled crap like this. If I'm lucky we wont play again. However, if we do I can guarantee 1 thing. No chat. I'm done with coaches like this.”