CTV 2270k Chaos Chosen

40k (-40000)
25000 (1 FAME)
No change

Chaos Dwarf CTV 1990k
10k (-20000)


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 2 wandering apothecaries
#7 Devon "Captain Awesome" Woodcomb VII – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#5 Pulpo – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#10 Somertown II – Fractured Leg (MNG)
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I became completely unglued in the first half when vicius set up very deep when kicking. Barging up ahead without worrying about tactics, I got caught up in a mess of stand firm + guard dwarves, with the ball popping loose and the AG 4 hobbo almost breaking away with it. Luckily, he failed his dodge and I managed to recover the ball. Furthermore, clawbomb came to the rescue with a few timely casualties, allowing me to stall the half to the end.
The second half started off with vicius nicely surfing my MA 7, dodge beastman using his break tackle bull. On the other hand, I got my revenge by simply blitzing said bull with Jill and badly hurting him. Who needs surfing when you have clawbomb? Anyway, the ball eventually got stuck in a mess in the middle of the pitch, where it bounced to the CD blocker Duketyrion, who had actually caught the ball at the start of the half. This time he didn't let go of it, and scored the tying TD.
Because vicius decided not to stall and go for the win instead, I had three turns to get the winning TD. Heat meant that I could only field 9 against 10, but the ball luckily scattered out of bounds, making my job easier. I ran the ball near the side line with a beastman, screening her with two others. Although I didn't place my guard beastman properly to force a -2d blitz on the ball carrier, vicius failed his 4+ dodge and I score easily in the end.”