3rd kickoff: Cheering Fans, both teams get a reroll.
Chaos Turn 5: Violence picks up the ball.
Chaos Turn 6: Greed blocks Seekerhorror the Desirable (cas, BH).
Chaos Turn 7: Famine blocks Teg Foulthroat (KO).
Violence hands the ball off to Greed with a reroll.
Greed SCORES **Chaos 1 - 1 Chaos Pact**
Teg Foulthroat stays unconcious.
Slashoak the Thief regains conciousness.
4th kickoff: Cheering Fans, both teams get a reroll.
Chaos Pact Turn 8: Osutele Shadewarrior blocks Heresy (KO).
Dehbo Warstrike picks up the ball with a reroll.
Dehbo Warstrike passes to Huntpleasure the Seductive.
Weather: Blizzard
Chaos choose to receive.
1st kickoff: Cheering Fans, Chaos Pact get a reroll.
Violence catches the ball.
Chaos Pact Turn 1: Claas Dominator fails to dodge (BH).
Chaos Turn 3: Lust blocks Onabi Bloodcat (cas, -MA).
Apothecary used on Onabi Bloodcat (-AV, -MA is taken).
Chaos Turn 4: Death blocks Adidede Bonepacer (KO).
Chaos Pact Turn 6: Lovetool the Chiller piles on Conquest (KO).
Chaos Pact Turn 7: Huntpleasure the Seductive blocks Violence and knocks the ball loose into the crowd.
Chaos Turn 8: Limbo picks up the ball.
Limbo fails to go for it with a reroll.
HALFTIME **Chaos 0 - 0 Chaos Pact**
Conquest stays unconcious.
Adidede Bonepacer stays unconcious.
2nd kickoff: Weather Change (Blizzard to Nice).
Chaos Pact Turn 1: Huntpleasure the Seductive picks up the ball.
Slashoak the Thief blocks Heresy (KO).
Chaos Pact Turn 3: Slashoak the Thief fails to dodge (KO).
Chaos Pact Turn 5: Bodxi Withail surfs Wrath (KO).
Huntpleasure the Seductive SCORES **Chaos 0 - 1 Chaos Pact**
Conquest regains conciousness.
Wrath regains conciousness.
Heresy regains conciousness.
Adidede Bonepacer regains conciousness.
Slashoak the Thief remains unconcious.
3rd kickoff: Cheering Fans, both teams get a reroll.
Chaos Turn 5: Violence picks up the ball.
Chaos Turn 6: Greed blocks Seekerhorror the Desirable (cas, BH).
Chaos Turn 7: Famine blocks Teg Foulthroat (KO).
Violence hands the ball off to Greed with a reroll.
Greed SCORES **Chaos 1 - 1 Chaos Pact**
Teg Foulthroat stays unconcious.
Slashoak the Thief regains conciousness.
4th kickoff: Cheering Fans, both teams get a reroll.
Chaos Pact Turn 8: Osutele Shadewarrior blocks Heresy (KO).
Dehbo Warstrike picks up the ball with a reroll.
Dehbo Warstrike passes to Huntpleasure the Seductive.
FULL TIME **Chaos 1 - 1 Chaos Pact**”