CTV 1640k Amazon
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Inducements: Star player Morg 'n' Thorg, Star player Willow Rosebark
Orc CTV 2230k
70k (-40000)
26000 (1 FAME)
#4 Anne the Crusher – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#1 Frug – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#3 Cunch – Dead (RIP)
#5 Riffit – Dead (RIP)
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Not really sure what to say about this game. We came in down a huge amount of TV to an Orc team lead by a halfway-decent coach (just kidding...a great coach). We feared the 10 guard, 5 tacklers, 6 MB and 1 MB PO. Therefore, we used the inducements to hire Willow and Morg 'n' Thorg. The two of them (AV 8 thick skull and AV 10) were tasked with absorbing the blows from the orcs...well that was the plan.
The reality was the fact that our two MB PO blitzers just totally went off on the orcs...smashing the crap out of the orcs as we targeted their tacklers and more dangerous players first. 18 of our 36 blocks were done by our MB PO and the result was 5 CAS from those 18 blocks. With the orcs using their apothecary on a KO after they were already down 2 players (seemed like a very wise move at the time) - that meant nothing was left to protect 2 very skilled players from the graveyard.
Overall, we totally managed to outbash a much more skilled orc team - which is just totally wacked out. As for the game, not really many critical plays to speak of - pressed tight against the sidelines, the orcs RRed a 2d block that was a push into double skulls early in their turn and this doomed them as we chainpushed them - surfing several players and ultimately ending the half 0-0. In the second half, they go perfect defense and we did screw up allowing a 5 dodge (stunty) goblin to set up a dodge and 2 gfi blitz on our ballcarrier, but the first gfi failed (RR worked), then second gfi failed. After that we sprinted into the clear and made a wall and just bashed the orcs into submission.
That about sums it up. The replay is probably a hoot to watch...for all except Purplechest I imagine. Thanks for the game - and hopefully next match will be decided on skill instead of just the dice.”