“Ok, I'll get the whining out of the way first. Yet again, the blackbox scheduler matches me against a team that is exactly 40 TV higher than me, thus making me the underdog with no inducements. To which I only have one thing to say...
Ok, now that that's out of the way, I did have a fun game. Easilyamused is a good coach and was fun to chat with. He played well, and deserved to win this one. I made some dumb mistakes at some crucial points and gave the tie away when I pushed a ghoul onto the ball and it bounced to the other ghoul who had an easy dodge and a gfi (or possibly 2) to make the winning TD. He did it with a reroll, and I deserve that.
Then, with 3 turns left, I moved 2 players in scoring position but stupidly threw 'Just 1 more block' before securing the ball. DUMB! This meant I was going to need a LOT of help to score. Fortunately, Nuffle favors the dumb, the idiots, the noobs (which I hardly qualify even if I make noob mistakes) and a few others that I have yet to discern. I needed a 4+ to pick up the ball in 1 TZ, a 3+ to dodge, 2 GFIs (2+ each), a 5+ on the pass, and a 4+ on the catch assuming the pass was accurate. I hit them all (6, 1, rerolled into 4, 5, 3, 6, 4). \o/ Coach easilyamused was overheard on the sideline saying, 'That's one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.'
One area where my luck did shine was on regen rolls. I made 2 out of 3, easilyamused failed both of his and Ke'lDracos is gonna hear a ringing sound the rest of his career. That's 2 out of 5 total Regen rolls. Must have been the Sweltering Heat we played the entire game in. My Goa'uld and Jafaa, being TRUE desert dwellers, handled it rather better than the poser Mummies of SVR. At least in the 2nd half we did. Seriously, Mummies can't compete with Tomb Guardians in the scorching sun, everyone knows that.
Thanks for a fun and memorable game, EA. It's been a while since I enjoyed a loss so much, it was good to be reminded that winning is not a requirement for fun (but it does help). We'll send Kel'Dracos a care package and hope for a speedy recovery. Blodging wights are just too darned annoying to retire over something petty like an Armor break. Good luck with your team and look forward to our next game.”
Ok, now that that's out of the way, I did have a fun game. Easilyamused is a good coach and was fun to chat with. He played well, and deserved to win this one. I made some dumb mistakes at some crucial points and gave the tie away when I pushed a ghoul onto the ball and it bounced to the other ghoul who had an easy dodge and a gfi (or possibly 2) to make the winning TD. He did it with a reroll, and I deserve that.
Then, with 3 turns left, I moved 2 players in scoring position but stupidly threw 'Just 1 more block' before securing the ball. DUMB! This meant I was going to need a LOT of help to score. Fortunately, Nuffle favors the dumb, the idiots, the noobs (which I hardly qualify even if I make noob mistakes) and a few others that I have yet to discern. I needed a 4+ to pick up the ball in 1 TZ, a 3+ to dodge, 2 GFIs (2+ each), a 5+ on the pass, and a 4+ on the catch assuming the pass was accurate. I hit them all (6, 1, rerolled into 4, 5, 3, 6, 4). \o/ Coach easilyamused was overheard on the sideline saying, 'That's one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.'
One area where my luck did shine was on regen rolls. I made 2 out of 3, easilyamused failed both of his and Ke'lDracos is gonna hear a ringing sound the rest of his career. That's 2 out of 5 total Regen rolls. Must have been the Sweltering Heat we played the entire game in. My Goa'uld and Jafaa, being TRUE desert dwellers, handled it rather better than the poser Mummies of SVR. At least in the 2nd half we did. Seriously, Mummies can't compete with Tomb Guardians in the scorching sun, everyone knows that.
Thanks for a fun and memorable game, EA. It's been a while since I enjoyed a loss so much, it was good to be reminded that winning is not a requirement for fun (but it does help). We'll send Kel'Dracos a care package and hope for a speedy recovery. Blodging wights are just too darned annoying to retire over something petty like an Armor break. Good luck with your team and look forward to our next game.”