CTV 2810k Ogre

30k (-80000)
27000 (2 FAME)

Nurgle CTV 1150k


Inducements: 1 extra team training session, 3 bribes, 1 halfling master chef, 1 Igor, 2 bloodweiser kegs, Star player Lord Borak the Despoiler, Star player Morg 'n' Thorg
#2 Fathernurgle – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#5 WildAnimal – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#7 Seer Of Saw – Fractured Leg (MNG)
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Corrupted DanesTV 1150k (2) vs (0) TV 2810k Momentos Miticos [Ogre]
ARGH, LRB4 Ogre and 1660k on inducement. I was just happy that I won my first match, which seemed very hard on paper to me. But I then get a 12man strong Ogre team! I will be destroyed, I wont have a team left at all was my thoughts as I keep looking at the page and hitting F5. Hoping that it was a mistake and I would get another team. I slept on it and looked some of his replays through. I got a generally idea of that he played them defensively and with no snotlings on the field. No one on the whole forum would dread to bet money on my team. So with a mindset of going in to have fun, see my team destroyed, stay calm and know the weakness and strengths of my own team and the other team. During the whole game I had this feeling that the other coach already thought he had won this game, yet played defensively. Not marking my rookie players, not putting Morg or Borak in a tackle zone so I had free movement with them. Also fielding no snotlings made me believe if I kept calm and played flawless the Ogres would bone head out to my advantage"
Sure? :p, I must have played another match, not exactly like I remember it...
And please, play some matches an ogre team and shows me how someone can play they not "defensively" :P.
See you another time.
Sure :), perhaps in LC, gl in then if you play it.”