CTV 1110k Skaven
16000 (1 FAME)
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Chaos Renegade CTV 1130k
#1 Ratigor – Groin Strain (MNG)
#5 Ratanaco – Smashed Knee (NI)
#7 Ratera – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#8 Ratonero – Damaged Back (NI)
#9 Ratuncio II – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
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We use our apo saving our leader from a -ma injury on T5, and the next turn they use theirs on a -ma on a storm vermin. Meanwhile they are trying their best to get at the ball carrier with a few 1d attempts and on T6 a nice set of moves that leads to a 2d blitz... but it's a double push and they are out of rerolls! We counter this with a niggle vs a GR and a KO to make the ball safe before scoring on T8.
They have one turn left and despite only have 6 players... a quick snap and some good dice let them make the 1 turn touchdown with a GR!!!! Nice move!
2 of their 3 KOs wake up as well so we kick off with 11 vs 8 now. T1 and we MNG the gutter runner who just made the 1 turn TD, then take advantage of a turnover when they mistakenly -2d block our +STR marauder to MNG a linerat and knock the ball free. They try hard to recover, but we have them outnumbered here and once it's in our super-elf's hands they are quite screwed. We crowdpush a blodge GR on T5 leaving them just 4 players vs our 10 and at this stage they stop trying for the ball and try and minimise further pain by keeping all their players prone. Our only recourse is to throw in a foul or two, and we score a MNG on their rat ogre before making it 2-0 on T16.
GG hiruma_zeo!”