CTV 1750k Norse
40k (-10000)
Orc CTV 1700k
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#6 Weath the Musician – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#7 Skeld the Superstitious – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#9 Halga Wisdombreaker – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#7 Beanz Ballz – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Nice win for me, and both players that were injured were probably not long from being cut and replaced anyway. I told Coach TC I should almost thank him for helping me lower my TV and get leaner. Good to be back in the box, though it was a rough welcome.
Money was a 1, rerolled into a 3. Gained some fans, and the orcs lost some \o/ Petty, I know, but it's a little something for the last few turns when the orcs were simply trying to kill me and there was nothing I could do about it. No hard feelings, of course, I've done the same thing. But a little part of me is still happy that no permanent damage was done and the Hammaz money and FF rolls were both crap :)
Skills (0):
Not only did none of the norse skill, but the VP went to Skeld who will soon be Skeld the Seriously-Unfit-To-Play. Oh well. Next game should be better.
Blackbox stats after game -
445 Flashback13 154.63 149.12
Winning was nice for my BWR and Coach Ranking, but my BBR is sadly going down.”