CTV 1570k Chaos Chosen

No change

Wood Elf CTV 1560k

16000 (1 FAME)

No change
#4 Deputy Andy Brennan – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#10 James Hurley – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#11 Bobby Briggs – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#15 Hank Jennings – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#17 Harold Truefield – Fractured Arm (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Game 10 Scoring
Baseline: 13 points (lower TV between 1401-1600)
Win: 10 points
TDs differential: 3 points (3 TDs for/0 TD against)
Casualties: 1 points (suffered 7 CAS including 5 SI & 4 stat breaks)
Bonuses: 2 points for shutout
Cat B (Better with Age): Double baseline points (+13)
Total: 42 points
The cast of Twin Peaks faced their most brutal challenge yet, suffering 7 CAS in their quest to solve the mystery of who killed Laura Palmer. 5 of those CAS will be missing next game, 4 were stat breaks. Bobby Briggs suffered 2 CAS, the first was a -AG that the apothecary patched up into a Badly Hurt. No deaths, but the future of this awesome TV show that just continues to win despite the beatings is in serious jeopardy. This was their first Category B episode, not sure they can survive a 2nd one! Still we'll finish out the current season before making any longterm decisions, but one has to wonder how they can continue against such fearsome foes week after week. It's not like the Longhorns Fury even had any Tackle, though they did have a fair bit of Mighty Blow and were rolling a LOT of POW stars. Coach Nikodemus48 didn't play badly, but he didn't play particularly well where the ball was concerned either. He seemed focused on hurting players more than trying to get the ball back once he had lost it. He even passed up a chance to score on T16 to try and get another CAS in and get a cheap SPP on a CW with a backwards pass. Both failed (hehe). He still earned more SPPs than the TP cast & crew, and we won. Just doesn't seem right.
MVP went to Bobby Briggs, which is probably deserved since he took a real beating out there today. 3 -AV are bad, but I probably won't fire them yet. Although I am running out of players to put on the LOS so we'll have to review that in the editing room. The finances from this week's episode were looking kind of pathetic (rolled a 3), so I phoned the producers and gave them an earful. The ungrateful crooks said there was an error in accounting and they would wire the correct amount - which was LESS THAN WHAT THEY ORIGINALLY SENT (rerolled into a 2). It's almost like the producers want to see this show cancelled in spite of it's ongoing success. They will probably use the fact that the ratings didn't increase as their justification (no FF gain, rolled 1 4 1). And as usual, this week's extra cast member lasted all of 2 turns (well, 2 of ours and 3 of theirs). At least he didn't abscond with anything Valuable.
Skills (1):
Deputy Tommy 'Hawk' Hill - (5 6) +AG. Well, at least 1 good thing came out of this episode. Deputy Hawk continues to impress and has taken over the lead Deputy (Catcher) role. We'd like to get him some help, but it may be awhile as resources are stretched so tight and we have so many holes to fill for next week's episode (5 Journeyman!). Seriously, I don't think I've EVER seen an episode of any show with 5 extras in the cast. I'm half-tempted to hang onto the money in case we end up hiring some of them after the show, assuming they don't die...”