“So, I'm playing against khemri, right? Check. No throw-ras, right? Check. Rain? Check, check. Win the toss and the conclusion is?
Right. Receive.
Okay, so maybe not a terrible call considering I'm facing a mighty blow TG, but I felt like I had made a mistake before the game had really started. Fortunately, the weather held throughout the match.
Nevertheless, I happily made my first pickup attempt, but then left the protection too thin down the sideline as I tried to get past the TGs, and was exposed to the blitz. The thrower was dropped, bobbled the pickup and the ball went into the crowd, who threw it toward my EZ, but near a lot of the khemri. I took a number of (probably) poorly-advised attempts to pickup in a TZ with the thought that I would dodge away for the score, but at best these were 50/50 propositions and none of them worked.
In the second half, I started out behind in personnel and it got worse. I probably missed opportunities to hit skeletons, but most of them were deep trying to pickup the ball while the TGs kept my team occupied. In the end, my blitz to prevent the TD was (I think) a 3+, 2+, and 1-die block with a blitzer vs. an unskilled skellie. 50% chance of the knockdown, but I got only a push. The GFI was close, but the legal team closed another successful case. I suppose this one was a court martial, given the team I brought to the courtroom.
Despite feeling like I played poorly and wasn't able to exert any pressure on the khemri, and despite the kissing-your-aunt aspect of a 5 SPP match, this was a fun game. I am happy to have been a small part of Enigma's quest to prove his manhood.”
Weather is pouring rain, my opponent wins the coin toss and elects to receive. A blitz allows me to get up close and personal with the kick, but the ball bounces a square away from the players marking it. He grabs the ball and begins to work his way up as I attempt to stop him; I get a few good armour rolls and remove around half his team from the field, also managing to eventually get the ball loose. I fumble around with my MA6 skeleton for a little bit, but by this point I'm out of rerolls and eventually resort to caging around the un-posessed ball with the TGs, keeping it safely out of his reach. In T7 of the first his ogre blitzes a TG onto the ball and it bounces right into the hands of another TG (the only one with any rush yards, Exhibit D) who then proceeds to keep it safe until the end of the half.
I've taken absolutely zero casualties and KOs by this point while my opponent has 3 KOs and two BHs, although two of the KOs recover for the second half, making it 11 vs. 8 in my favour. I receive and the weather refuses to change. The ball lands deep but I get high kick so can place my MA6 skellie near the ball, perhaps even catch it (he doesn't). I BH a lineman in the opening blocks bringing him down to 7, but as my MA6 skellie tries to pick up the ball in the backfield, but fumbles it (I've already used my reroll and it's a 5+ anyway). He starts to move the bulk of his players past the TGs towards the few skellies in the backfield. Despite the pressure they continue to fumble pickups, and he gets dangerously close despite my TGs trying to intervene. However, in my T4 I finally make the pickup and begin caging downfield, but I don't have much time. He tries to slow me down and eventually I must break away from the slow but secure TG cage if I want to score. One last 1d block with a blitzer marks my player up and forces me to do a single GFI to win it, but I block him free and make the GFI with a 2 in turn 16!
Thanks for the game, rematch sometime!”
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Right. Receive.
Okay, so maybe not a terrible call considering I'm facing a mighty blow TG, but I felt like I had made a mistake before the game had really started. Fortunately, the weather held throughout the match.
Nevertheless, I happily made my first pickup attempt, but then left the protection too thin down the sideline as I tried to get past the TGs, and was exposed to the blitz. The thrower was dropped, bobbled the pickup and the ball went into the crowd, who threw it toward my EZ, but near a lot of the khemri. I took a number of (probably) poorly-advised attempts to pickup in a TZ with the thought that I would dodge away for the score, but at best these were 50/50 propositions and none of them worked.
In the second half, I started out behind in personnel and it got worse. I probably missed opportunities to hit skeletons, but most of them were deep trying to pickup the ball while the TGs kept my team occupied. In the end, my blitz to prevent the TD was (I think) a 3+, 2+, and 1-die block with a blitzer vs. an unskilled skellie. 50% chance of the knockdown, but I got only a push. The GFI was close, but the legal team closed another successful case. I suppose this one was a court martial, given the team I brought to the courtroom.
Despite feeling like I played poorly and wasn't able to exert any pressure on the khemri, and despite the kissing-your-aunt aspect of a 5 SPP match, this was a fun game. I am happy to have been a small part of Enigma's quest to prove his manhood.”