“E.L.F. Season XXVI
Game 7 Scoring
Baseline: 12 points (1200 - 1400)
DRAW: 5 points
TDs differential: 0 points (1 TD for/1 TD against)
Casualties: 1 points
Bonuses: 0 points for shutout victory
Cat D (Agile): No Points
Total: 18 points
Can't add anything more than what Flashback hasn't already covered. Good game that was rightly his, but like any good ELF coach, I'll relish the draw. Aside from not losing the real highlight from this game was the three skills gained by the Renegades, including a +1 AG lino, Tyrone Tigerbomb, that from hence forth (read: as long as he lives) is my designated ball getter and passer.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that this was my first meeting with a fellow E.L.F coach and it was a real pleasure. Thanks Flashback!
Skills (3):
Karl Cagebreaker - Tackle - Thought about another Strip Baller but I've been gettinng very annoyed by dodgers lately.
Sam Skullthrower - Block - As the teams leading casualty inducer it seemed only right.
Tyrone Tigerbomb - (6 5) +AG - Not gonna refuse that am I? ”
“E.L.F. Season XXVI
Game 5 Scoring [Box]
Baseline: 11 points (lower TV between 1000-1200 TV)
Draw: 5 points
TDs differential: 0 points (1 TD for/1 TD against)
Casualties: 1 points (suffered 2 CAS)
Bonuses: 0 points
Cat D (Agile): 0 points
Total: 17 points
514 Flashback13 153.88 150.57 - (previously 477 Flashback13 154.28 151.92)
went down across the board. <sigh>
I totally threw this game away at the end of the 1st half. I had stolen the ball from the wood elves and was stalling on the goal line, up 1-0, to prevent them a chance to score again. There was no way the Renegade Woodies could reach me in T7, so I finished my turn with a reroll. They took their T7 and fouled my Blitzer which BH him but got their Dodge lineelf tossed out. I used my apothecary, since I feel like I need my Blitzers. All good. Then on my T8 I have a reroll left. I decide to blitz a non-skilled line elf with my non-Block Thrower. skull and skull/pow. Reroll, same result. All I needed was a push, didn't get it. Turnover, no score, half ends 1-0. And my Thrower was badly hurt on the play, compared to the stun he inflicted on the woodie. dNaturally, I do not stop the wood elves from scoring, but I do put enough pressure to give myself plenty of time to score in return. However, my KOs were bad so I'm down a player. High Kick and I have ball in hand effectively (1 of my catchers went back to get it). All is well and I move down the pitch. Suddenly, the wood elves open a can of whoop ass on my high elves and start knocking everyone down. They get to the ball carrier but can only mark him (having used the blitz to take out my other catcher in scoring range). I get free and pass to my remaining Blitzer (other was KOd), who catches it but has to use a reroll. So this means my Guard line elf on the sideline is dodging naked on a 3+ and naturally he fails. Now my blitzer has NO protection. FreeRange moves an assist in then blitzes with his strip ball wardance and pops the ball free. Then he surrounds it. My last turn I have no rerolls and very few options. I manage to get the catcher on the ground into the endzone, but in retrospect that was probably the wrong move. I still needed a 4+ dodge and a 4+ pickup to get the ball with my other catcher, and even if I made both those rolls, I would have either had to pass on a 4+ OR make a 3+ followed by a 2+ dodge. And if I made all those rolls, I wouldn't have needed to pass since he would have had the movement to get into the endzone anyway. I think what I should have done was blitzed with the first catcher and pushed someone onto the ball in hopes of a good bounce. But it's always easy in hindsight to second guess.
Ah well, good game, FreeRange. I'm only beating myself up because I tried something and the dice failed. But in the future, I think I will just walk the ball into the endzone on T8. I guess I'm just annoyed because I've had other people do the T8 blitz against me and it's NEVER resulted in them not scoring. And considering your armor, it made sense to try and get a player advantage. Instead, I gave you the player advantage for the 2nd half and paid for it.
Edit: Actually, it may have been my first ELF vs. ELF game, too. Nice playing against you.
Skills (1):
Gurney Halleck - (4 4) Guard. Gurney scored the games only RIP on poor Zachary, and has learned a thing or two about dirty infighting. Now he will be able to assist the other Gholas when the fighting is up close and personal. (This is the same roll that Dr. Yueh got Guard on, too).”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Game 7 Scoring
Baseline: 12 points (1200 - 1400)
DRAW: 5 points
TDs differential: 0 points (1 TD for/1 TD against)
Casualties: 1 points
Bonuses: 0 points for shutout victory
Cat D (Agile): No Points
Total: 18 points
Can't add anything more than what Flashback hasn't already covered. Good game that was rightly his, but like any good ELF coach, I'll relish the draw. Aside from not losing the real highlight from this game was the three skills gained by the Renegades, including a +1 AG lino, Tyrone Tigerbomb, that from hence forth (read: as long as he lives) is my designated ball getter and passer.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that this was my first meeting with a fellow E.L.F coach and it was a real pleasure. Thanks Flashback!
Skills (3):
Karl Cagebreaker - Tackle - Thought about another Strip Baller but I've been gettinng very annoyed by dodgers lately.
Sam Skullthrower - Block - As the teams leading casualty inducer it seemed only right.
Tyrone Tigerbomb - (6 5) +AG - Not gonna refuse that am I? ”