“E.L.F. Season XXVI
Game 6 Scoring [Box]
Baseline: 12 points (both TV between 1201-1400 TV)
Loss: 0 points
TDs differential: -1 points (1 TD for/2 TD against)
Casualties: 3 points (suffered 2 CAS)
Bonuses: 0 points
Cat A (Plug & Play): +14 points
Total: 28 points
660 Flashback13 152.36 151.37 - (previously 514 Flashback13 153.88 150.57)
went down in ranking and BWR, but up in BBR. Doesn't feel like I outbashed the orcs with 2 perms.
A game I'd rather just forget. I'll say it now so I don't forget, my opponent was fun to play against and very understanding. And I am rather happy that I held my temper in check for most of the game. But my dice freaking SUCKED. 1s all over the place, at least 3 double skulls, 1 of which was rerolled into a 2nd double skulls (so really 4 on three actions). Burned all my rerolls early in the 1st half and lost the ball on an easy 3+ dodge with a dodge reroll that would have scored if I had made it. So much fael, and I nearly considered conceding after the apothecary tried to KILL Stilgar who was injured on the failed dodge attempt to score. I settled on the original niggling injury. Count Hasimir is probably wishing I had conceded, as his injury came very late in the 2nd half (like T14 or T15). We did score a kill on a BoB, but their apothecary worked. I swear, my apothecaries on every team have been less than 50% effective in preventing permanent injuries. Money roll sucked for both teams, but at least we didn't lose FF. The only highlight was Thufir's lone TD, and even that was nearly stolen when an Orc thrower made a 1 die blitz with a GFI and POW'd him. Fortunatel, Duncan was nearby and together they were able to knock down the orc and get the ball to salvage our pride. That's another thing about this game, the orcs were hitting POWs on my Blodgers all night long, even on 1-die blocks/blitzes. It felt like I was playing dwarves.
Thanks for the game Atinores, and congratulations on your win. I did have some fun, and I'm glad I didn't concede. But it's gonna be hard recovering from this game and the E.L.F. season is already half over.
Skills (3):
Thufir Hawat - (2 5) Side Step. Thought about Tackle, but I need to keep these guys alive and out of bad situations when the dice are not going my way (which fells like much of the time).
Glossu 'Beast' Rabban - (6 6) +ST. A ST 4 line elf, oof! The Beast may yet live up to his moniker.
Piter De Vries - (2 3) Kick. Was gonna take Dodge or Wrestle, but I checked plasmoid's site and saw there was a High Elf guide. First time I've gone to that guide (used a lot of the others though) and matt slater suggested Kick on the first line elf to roll a normal skill. Well, 2 doubles and a +ST later, I get my first normal skill. I like this suggestion as I have been hampered with not being able to pressure the ball because it scatters all over the place. And Piter is a crafty devil who has already killed a BoB (he got better, stoopd ork apo), so this is just the kind of scheme he will enjoy.
Game 6 Scoring [Box]
Baseline: 12 points (both TV between 1201-1400 TV)
Loss: 0 points
TDs differential: -1 points (1 TD for/2 TD against)
Casualties: 3 points (suffered 2 CAS)
Bonuses: 0 points
Cat A (Plug & Play): +14 points
Total: 28 points
660 Flashback13 152.36 151.37 - (previously 514 Flashback13 153.88 150.57)
went down in ranking and BWR, but up in BBR. Doesn't feel like I outbashed the orcs with 2 perms.
A game I'd rather just forget. I'll say it now so I don't forget, my opponent was fun to play against and very understanding. And I am rather happy that I held my temper in check for most of the game. But my dice freaking SUCKED. 1s all over the place, at least 3 double skulls, 1 of which was rerolled into a 2nd double skulls (so really 4 on three actions). Burned all my rerolls early in the 1st half and lost the ball on an easy 3+ dodge with a dodge reroll that would have scored if I had made it. So much fael, and I nearly considered conceding after the apothecary tried to KILL Stilgar who was injured on the failed dodge attempt to score. I settled on the original niggling injury. Count Hasimir is probably wishing I had conceded, as his injury came very late in the 2nd half (like T14 or T15). We did score a kill on a BoB, but their apothecary worked. I swear, my apothecaries on every team have been less than 50% effective in preventing permanent injuries. Money roll sucked for both teams, but at least we didn't lose FF. The only highlight was Thufir's lone TD, and even that was nearly stolen when an Orc thrower made a 1 die blitz with a GFI and POW'd him. Fortunatel, Duncan was nearby and together they were able to knock down the orc and get the ball to salvage our pride. That's another thing about this game, the orcs were hitting POWs on my Blodgers all night long, even on 1-die blocks/blitzes. It felt like I was playing dwarves.
Thanks for the game Atinores, and congratulations on your win. I did have some fun, and I'm glad I didn't concede. But it's gonna be hard recovering from this game and the E.L.F. season is already half over.
Skills (3):
Thufir Hawat - (2 5) Side Step. Thought about Tackle, but I need to keep these guys alive and out of bad situations when the dice are not going my way (which fells like much of the time).
Glossu 'Beast' Rabban - (6 6) +ST. A ST 4 line elf, oof! The Beast may yet live up to his moniker.
Piter De Vries - (2 3) Kick. Was gonna take Dodge or Wrestle, but I checked plasmoid's site and saw there was a High Elf guide. First time I've gone to that guide (used a lot of the others though) and matt slater suggested Kick on the first line elf to roll a normal skill. Well, 2 doubles and a +ST later, I get my first normal skill. I like this suggestion as I have been hampered with not being able to pressure the ball because it scatters all over the place. And Piter is a crafty devil who has already killed a BoB (he got better, stoopd ork apo), so this is just the kind of scheme he will enjoy.