CTV 1500k+100k Halfling


Inducements: 1 halfling master chef
High Elf CTV 1530k

15000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#14 Red Rank III – Smashed Hand (MNG)
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First half was played as if I the flings(or the chef for that matter) wasn't there. A Pitch Invasion on turn one opened up my defense like a thirsty man in Sahara opens a bottle of water. completely.
So I think, since the defence is already messed up, I'll try instead of diminishing their numbers......right. That wasn't in Nuffles plan either. instead the flings suffer three cas by turn 4. Even the trees went down even thou they were the only BGs on the pitch. The score could have been much different if the elf hadn't stalled the ball as long as they did.
If it weren't for Remi, I probably wouldn't been able to equalize on the last turn. But I did.
Second halv and I start with the ball right? Wrong! A bllitz allows the elf to get a catcher in position and catch the ball.(At least the chef did take a few rrs) I manage to take it back and seeing as the elfs are aproaching from everywhere I decide to make the throw.
-Take Root takes place, but never mind I don't need to move him anyway.
-TTM fumbles, well that's what RR are for right?
-Remi Fails his 2+ landing roll and gets -1AV(Witch the apo fixes thankfully)
That was just not meant to be.
So the elfs take the ball as if it was their drive. I start to see the chefs effect taking place. But it doesn't stop them from taking the ball to the very end of my half and there they decide to stall.
By now I'm depressed and I try a suicidal block(-2D) push&push. I do have two other flings nearby so the elfs decides to give the ball to the Str 4 lino and places a few TZs. 5 dodges later I get one dice and take him down and somehow I manage to take the ball.
Somehow I survive a 3D block but the elfs make sure to surround me with six players. Without any other viable option I start dodging. On the eight dodge I trip. But not with the ball carrier He manages to get within range of the rooted tree on turn 7. He then survives a blitz manages to dodge another five times hand off the ball with -1 modifier. The new Ball carrier(Pally Pothead III) goes flying and thanks to a RR lands within range for a TD. Didn't even need to GFI.....
A lot went wrong, but I only failed one dodge during the entire game. Thank you Nuffle!(The stalling did help of course)
Thanks MonkeyMan for a good game.”