“Well it was a Hot Blistering day for playing BloodBowl with the weather remaining hot and sunny for 16 turns.
This cause a bit of trouble or Dwoir at the beginning of the 2nd half with 3 players taking a bit of a lie down. This left Tronheim Sparta with 9 players v 7 for the second half and with lots of pressure on the LOS, Dwoir were under the pump from the kick off.
So a 2-0 win to the Spartans and a couple of skilled up players with Eric gaining Mighty Blow and Aaron learning Guard. Aleck was also deemed good enough to hire to bring the Spartans back to a full 11 man roster.
The Dwoir, managed to weather multiple blocks with out any further major injuries, after Elaelith was seriously concussed after the Apoth did a little life saving medical work on the pitch.”
This cause a bit of trouble or Dwoir at the beginning of the 2nd half with 3 players taking a bit of a lie down. This left Tronheim Sparta with 9 players v 7 for the second half and with lots of pressure on the LOS, Dwoir were under the pump from the kick off.
So a 2-0 win to the Spartans and a couple of skilled up players with Eric gaining Mighty Blow and Aaron learning Guard. Aleck was also deemed good enough to hire to bring the Spartans back to a full 11 man roster.
The Dwoir, managed to weather multiple blocks with out any further major injuries, after Elaelith was seriously concussed after the Apoth did a little life saving medical work on the pitch.”