CTV 1290k Nurgle


Inducements: 1 bribe
Wood Elf CTV 1390k

19000 (1 FAME)

No change
#3 Regional Bureau Chief Gordon Cole – Broken Neck (-AG)
#11 Bobby Briggs – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#17 Howard Darktree – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Game 14 Scoring
Baseline: 12 points (both teams' TV between 1201-1400)
Draw: 5 points
TDs differential: 0 points (1 TDs for/1 TDs against)
Casualties: 0 points (suffered 4 CAS including 2 SI stat breaks; -AV & -AG)
Bonuses: 0 points
Cat B (Better with Age): +12 points
Total: 29 points
Brutal game that was in the bag for me. All I had to do was make a 2+ dodge, a 2+ pickup, and another 2+ dodge. My catcher had the Dodge skill and I had a reroll for the pickup. Made the 1st dodge, fumbled the pickup, ball goes out of bounds all the way across the pitch where I can't possibly get to it. Though that didn't stop me from trying, but I failed GFIs twice to get there and that was that.
Ah well, at least I got a chance to play a celebrity and he was really cool about it. Fun to chat with too. Maybe I'll get a brief mention in the next podcast ;)
Man, this one made me sick to lose. Especially when my Thrower suffered a broken neck AFTER the fumble. That block never even would have happened if I had made that pickup. He'll have to be retired now.
Perhaps I need a break. I've lost or tied a number of games recently with my elves against bashy teams because of 1s or double 1s. Agility is the ONLY thing elves have going for them and when they can't do that, it usually gets ugly. I think I would rather lose a game and obliterate my opponent than win but lose 3-4 players a game the way this team has averaged.
Skills (1):
Bobby Briggs (4 3) Wrestle. Figures that the MVP would go to the lineman who suffered his second -AV break. I'm half-tempted to keep him as he is my only Dodge/Wrestle player.”