CTV 1760k Chaos Dwarf

30k (-10000)
18000 (1 FAME)
No change

Inducements: Star player Zzharg Madeye
Dwarf CTV 1860k
60k (-10000)


#2 King Macbeth – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#5 Hamlet – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
1st half, turn 2 saw two injuries..King Macbeth went down with a -MA apothed to mng (see, apoth worked, just not perfectly) and then one of my runners (i think it was flash) died on a GFI..apoth-> bh Yay! With Both apoths gone, turn 3 saw the death of Hamlet...a Chaos Dwarf Blocker with Claw, MB, PO, Frenzy and Jump up...I cheered (silently) and I assume my opponent cried and/or raged a bit (hard to tell, as he didn't even say "hi' in chat--I'm not the most chatty guys, but at least I usually say howdy!). Then thing went, well, weird from my perspective.
With the ball securely in hand, the CD's 1st fouled with their super Mino (claw, PO, Jugg, +AV, Break Tackle, Guard)...BH'ing my skilled Slayer (bubba bo bob)..but getting ejected at the same time! I cheered again at this! so, by his turn 4, His 3 super stars/legends were out of the game!! woot!! for me. But still, I was down men (so was he) and I kind of expected a stall, and he did, but by bringing his BC with the ball back to mid field for a few turns---TO FOUL Junior with (I kinda understand, junior did take out 3 guys, including King Macbeth and Hamlet), but still, to foul with your best remaining player--when you'd already gotten one guy (with 191 spp) thrown out) seemed silly at the time. Retropectively, he might have wanted an ejection, it would have saved his BC from serious injury or death. Anyway, he scored on turn 8 and the Weather changed to Swealtering heat...which just meant I missed my Agililty 5 blitzer for one drive in the 2nd half
2nd half, the gloves went on apparently, as no more injuries were seen. 7 on 7, and I was able to score relatively easily. Then the next kickoff (oh, weather went back to nice after the 2nd half kickoff), the CD's tried twice to pick up the ball with the BC instead of his lone(r) Hobgoblin, and failed. giving me time to get to the ball with several players. While half of our teams (4 ish players) bashed it out at midfield, the other half (3 players) battled for the ball. Finally, on my turn 8, I had to blitz his BC with my agility 5 blitzer, Tim, knock the ball loose (thanks to strip ball), pick it up, and rush in for a TD...oh, there were several dodges in there (thanks agility 5!).
So, that is the story of how I broke my 8 game non-winning streak (over all my teams..I think it's only 4 with this one)
no new skills.”