“Junior's worst game ever..that he got to play most of the game in...it's not that he got no KO's, it's that on his 8 blocks--all 2db--only one of them succeeded in knocking down an opponent without using a RR...and using a rr (4 times) resulted in only 3 more knockdowns..best he got was a stun (one). and really, that is how this game went for the dwarves as a whole. Need a push back? skull rr skull. need a gfi to hit the Ball Carrier, 1 rr 1. constantly what plans I did have failed horribly...oh, and of his 6 fouls, he got at least 2 BH (I think it was 3) at least one KO and only one thrown out.
just a bad game all around for the dwarves (and a correspondingly good game for the wolves )
just a bad game all around for the dwarves (and a correspondingly good game for the wolves )
no new skills.”