CTV 2250k Norse

50k (-40000)
16000 (1 FAME)

Shambling Undead CTV 2070k
60k (-30000)


No change
Inducements: 1 Igor, 1 bloodweiser keg
#13 Black Laser – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#14 Crazy Tortoise – Broken Neck (-AG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
And to the blitzer's DeMaio and Dread Scott for skillful execution of the passes that sealed the fate of the game! A heroes feast for thee!
Hang thee baggage and reigns Crazy Tortoise! Your fighting ways have come to an end, but thy legacy carries on! A role model LOS charioteer that shows courage is the measure of a man! Hail!
DeMaio "The firepower still grows! Gather now, hoards of Hell and ride forth! Where??? How about to your town!!!"”