“Today our heros stacked up against the hardy dwarves. An in-expereinced team ready to show the world what they can do.
Hum's to receive. Set up for play the dwarfs blitz and imidiatly kill Harry. Harry "the stunty is really living up to his name Doc Jock leaps into action and harry is back on the bench and ready to play. Doc takes a swig from the wrong jug and decides to sit the rest of the match out.
Humans are lossing players fast a broken jaw and a ko. Humans are making a desperate play for the touch down line down a flank. The dwarfs have it covered. Star blitzer jarvis cole is surfed and loses posestion. Dorfs on the attack.
Humans are left to pound away at the little balls of agression whilst their runner ambles towards the td line.
The td is unstopable and the hums go 0-1
Second half dorfs to receive. They retreive the ball and make mince meat of the line. The relentless dorf avalche is unstoppable. The conclusion 2-0.
Well played dorfs our dice werent great but many many silly mistakes was what lost us this game. Humans will have to re think their game plan before their next match.
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Hum's to receive. Set up for play the dwarfs blitz and imidiatly kill Harry. Harry "the stunty is really living up to his name Doc Jock leaps into action and harry is back on the bench and ready to play. Doc takes a swig from the wrong jug and decides to sit the rest of the match out.
Humans are lossing players fast a broken jaw and a ko. Humans are making a desperate play for the touch down line down a flank. The dwarfs have it covered. Star blitzer jarvis cole is surfed and loses posestion. Dorfs on the attack.
Humans are left to pound away at the little balls of agression whilst their runner ambles towards the td line.
The td is unstopable and the hums go 0-1
Second half dorfs to receive. They retreive the ball and make mince meat of the line. The relentless dorf avalche is unstoppable. The conclusion 2-0.
Well played dorfs our dice werent great but many many silly mistakes was what lost us this game. Humans will have to re think their game plan before their next match.