CTV 2090k Elven Union

70k (-30000)
18000 (1 FAME)

Chaos Chosen CTV 1850k
20k (-10000)


No change
Inducements: 1 bribe, Star player Max Spleenripper
#1 Steel Nerves – Broken Neck (-AG)
#3 Quicksilver Nerves II – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#4 Gold Nerves – Dead (RIP)
#7 Copper Nerves – Dead (RIP)
#8 Bismuth Nerves – Smashed Knee (NI)
#13 Cobalt Nerves II – Damaged Back (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Taking 12 cas and winning is strange: i needed some good roll when things were messed up (3 players vs 10), otherwise the WMD would have had time to get to a tie and maybe a win.
But the number of damage taken was insane, and wasnt even so much more than expected by statistics. This pointed out how dull is clawmbpo, giving an almost senseless match. And its a pity that it makes 2000+ tv zone a just-for-killers zone, leaving no fun on pitch.
It was a pity that BillBrasky, maybe annoyed by my constant speaking ^^, started to call luck as the reason of his defeat. No coach should say this while whiping away all the opponent team!
Funny note: apo used on goldnerves on turn 2 (blocked by a rookie ram..), and he got killed on turn 15 or so by a mbpo! Better was to take the first inj ^^”