“just kept dodging past my DTs with AG3. with rolls like that you can do anything in bloodbowl... like Mummy to Mummy longbombs.
that was the most annoying game i've ever played
ag4 dodge gutters dodging past the diving tackles, thats fine... wait. no it's not. thats a string of 4+ dodges. thats like black orcs dodging through your lines.
i don't know what more i could have done in that game. i'm not much of a whiner... but this was just especially annoying for some reason.”
that was the most annoying game i've ever played
ag4 dodge gutters dodging past the diving tackles, thats fine... wait. no it's not. thats a string of 4+ dodges. thats like black orcs dodging through your lines.
i don't know what more i could have done in that game. i'm not much of a whiner... but this was just especially annoying for some reason.”