“I think what we have here is a failure to communicate.
As a low CR coach, it was my understanding that the normal way to handle dwarves is to spread them out, make them commit, and run around them. My esteemed opponent scoffed at such pedestrian measures, lowered his head, and charged into a mass of Guard and Block. And squirted through and scored. I cheered for him. And then on defense, rather than mark off slow players and spread me out, he again charged into the melee. Perhaps he mistook me politely asking why he would dodge through tackle-heavy traffic multiple times as a complaint. Given the outcome of the game, I had very little reason to complain, especially when he started removing his own players from the field with failed dodge-past-tackle, thoughtfully saving me the trouble.
As a low CR coach, it was my understanding that the normal way to handle dwarves is to spread them out, make them commit, and run around them. My esteemed opponent scoffed at such pedestrian measures, lowered his head, and charged into a mass of Guard and Block. And squirted through and scored. I cheered for him. And then on defense, rather than mark off slow players and spread me out, he again charged into the melee. Perhaps he mistook me politely asking why he would dodge through tackle-heavy traffic multiple times as a complaint. Given the outcome of the game, I had very little reason to complain, especially when he started removing his own players from the field with failed dodge-past-tackle, thoughtfully saving me the trouble.
I apologize for any misunderstandings.”