Our debut match saw what could be described as near perfect bloodbowl. In the snow, we lost the toss and defended and the Rats scored in turn 2. From there it was 14 turns of controlled aggression as we twice rolled down with the patented CLAGE (tm) and scored on each occasion.
The only worry came in turn 15 when young linerat Azock burst through the defences of 4 dwarves to knock down our runner Hazem bin Khalida al Nayan.
With hearts in their mouths the dwarves recovered the ball to dive over on the bell.
3pts - Azock for the aforementioned last ditch defence.
2pts - Hassz the Smell for the TD early in the game with some deft footwork
1pt - Irsz the Horned One for solid hitting in a beaten team.”
While the pre-match Mass was as poorly attended as it always was, thousands had arrived late to watch the first game. Nun-Vermin had been asembled to love bomb and flirt with any single men in the crowd, while preachers were assigned to every section of the stadium to spread the word.
Just on Kick-Off the Heavens opened up with a violent blizzard, obviously a sign from the Rat-God. A breach was made in the Falcons line and Hassz the Smell grabbed Lurz the Hook, and together they found space in the back field. The Brethren line defended the ball, and managd a running play to let Hassz stumble in for a TD. First blood to the Brethren!
It was at that point the crowd started to pray. They turned to the East and bowed their heads. The Brethren High Priest smiled, until he heard the words being spoken...
"They're blaspheming!" It turned out that the majority of the crowd weren't sheep to be converted, but dedicated followers of some other religion, here to support their fellow followers. After their prayer the Falcon supporters seemed animated in spurring the Falcons on.
The Dwarves slowly marched upfield, and dispite the efforts of the Brethren players, they were unable to get close enough to Hazem bin Khalifa al Nayan to stop him from marching over the scoreline. 1-1 at halftime with the falcon recieving.
Another 6 turns of Rats trying to get to get close to the Dwarven runner (and failing miserably) followed, until right at the deathof the game, Azock spotted a half gap. He dodged through it, and then brawled with three opposing players, managing to knock down Hazem bin Khalifa al Nayan. The Dwarf was stunned by this rough treatment, and the few Brethren fans were on the edge of their seat, had they managed to salvage a draw?.
It's when the game is on the line that true hero's step up, and on this day Faoud bin Basir al Maktoum was that hero. With his runner obviously not getting up in a hurry, he took it upon himself to pick the ball up of the Ice, and step over the try line. 2-1 to the Falcons.
The crowd dispersed as qiuick as it had gathered, with only one new convert to the church. The local doctor was quickly baptised, although weather this was due to him seeing the light, or because he'd worked out how lucrative a Blood Bowl team could be as a client is still being debated.
The feeling of joy that had been there at the start of the match quickly faded.
1 point - #4 Abdul Nassar - In a suprisingly bloodless game, Abdul made the biggest hit, ko'ing a Gutter Runner early on.
2 point - #3 Hazem bin Khalifa al Nayan - Dwarven Runners are often the glory boys of the team, but Hazem always managed to get the ball into the cage before we could apply any real pressure.
3 points - #1 Faoud bin Basir al Maktoum - When the Falcons needed a second ball player in turn 16 he stepped up and crushed the Brethren's dreams.
A good team effort from the Falcons made it very hard to single anybody out, Clay's boys ran like a BMW engine today.”
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Our debut match saw what could be described as near perfect bloodbowl. In the snow, we lost the toss and defended and the Rats scored in turn 2. From there it was 14 turns of controlled aggression as we twice rolled down with the patented CLAGE (tm) and scored on each occasion.
The only worry came in turn 15 when young linerat Azock burst through the defences of 4 dwarves to knock down our runner Hazem bin Khalida al Nayan.
With hearts in their mouths the dwarves recovered the ball to dive over on the bell.
3pts - Azock for the aforementioned last ditch defence.
2pts - Hassz the Smell for the TD early in the game with some deft footwork
1pt - Irsz the Horned One for solid hitting in a beaten team.”