“Great match for the corpses and their doggies. First couple of turns looked kind of grimm, but Nuffle showed mercy after that and helped save the day.
NickNutria was an excellent coach and a perfect sportman, but bloodlust rolls took the better part of an otherwise solid strategy.
Hope to see you soon on the pitch. Good luck with the team and remember to feed the vamps before the match begins :) ”
“Maybe the start was to much for these guys, they had the ball save and were beating up Necros, I couldn't believe my eyes. But once they lost they also lost the half and couldn't catch on these Necros just pulling away to fast.
Antonio you're a nice coach, it was fun playing you, rematch any time. Looking at the cas this match should have been very bloody, but thanks to regneration both teams didn't loose any player:)”
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NickNutria was an excellent coach and a perfect sportman, but bloodlust rolls took the better part of an otherwise solid strategy.
Hope to see you soon on the pitch. Good luck with the team and remember to feed the vamps before the match begins :)