There are always teething problems integrating a new style of warfare, and apparently the boyz have feet that could trip over flat ground without the slightest bit of provocation. We had 3 separate gfi attempts to step into the end-zone with the ball, and all three failed, spilling the boys onto the pitch sans ball. A possible technical malfunction "may" have contributed to the first, but apart from that......
3pts: Limberger - for taking out Barashkukor early, and the Apoth as well!
2pts: Gruyere - by the gods man, buy a lotto ticket, 4 6's in a row was it?
1pt: Cour - for having a go at Lugashaldim when he was on the ground, takes a gutsy man to attempt to stomp on a troll, with no backup ”
#4 Longhorn – Smashed Hip (-MA) #11 Coeur de Camembert au Calvados – Dead (RIP)
“Game #1
Lucky to escape...
First game with the rats saw my defence being "roll a one, roll a 1, roll a one..."
Didnt get much of a chance to run offense as I had to face the Orks marching down the field most of the match.
1 vote to Private Chahkamnit for the yardage he gained in the match...
2 votes to Private Shazgurim for throwing way too many blocks.
3 votes to Private Zarkingu for killing Coeur de Camembert au Calvados...what all great players do! (The killing, NOT the dying!)”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
There are always teething problems integrating a new style of warfare, and apparently the boyz have feet that could trip over flat ground without the slightest bit of provocation. We had 3 separate gfi attempts to step into the end-zone with the ball, and all three failed, spilling the boys onto the pitch sans ball. A possible technical malfunction "may" have contributed to the first, but apart from that......
3pts: Limberger - for taking out Barashkukor early, and the Apoth as well!
2pts: Gruyere - by the gods man, buy a lotto ticket, 4 6's in a row was it?
1pt: Cour - for having a go at Lugashaldim when he was on the ground, takes a gutsy man to attempt to stomp on a troll, with no backup