CTV 2090k Human

50k (-30000)

Shambling Undead CTV 1930k
60k (-20000)

25000 (1 FAME)

No change
#2 Terry July – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#4 Nigel Footrace – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#6 Sniffles – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#8 Troglodyte – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
We're up against some tough-looking humans, and with a loss in our first game definitely need a win here. We pick up a wizard with our inducements and get started.
We kick first and they cage up with the ball by the LOS, so on T2 we unleash our wizard with the potential to hit 5 players including the ball carrier... but only knock over two. However their star blitzer is MNG'd - helpful! This also lets us get a 2d blitz on the ball.. but even with a reroll we can't get a knockdown. They are able to dodge blitz our star +AGI ghoul... and score a -av injury on him... with the niggle he already carries that looks like a career-ending injury!!
T4 and they MNG our other ghoul on the pitch. Just left with two rookie ghouls on the bench now.. gah! A mummy then niggles their double-niggled blitzer, and their apo steps in to make it an MNG. Meanwhile they have gotten at the ball far more than we have, as we find ourselves outpositioned several times. T5 and they grab the ball and try and pass it to a blitzer downfield... but our rookie zombie intercepts!!! Game-saver! With this bit of luck we are able to shamble downfield and on T6 make a handoff to a wight that lets him run right down to their touchline. We score on T7 leaving them one turn til half time.
They use it to foul a skilled up zombie out for a BH, getting them a nice player advantage for the 2nd half, forcing us to set up 9 vs their 11. We KO a lineman on T1 to even it slightly and pick up the ball with one of our rookie ghouls. T2 and they get a -2d blitz on it with a block/strip catcher, stripping it free to have it bounce right into a blitzer's hands. We blitz a mummy at him and with a RR knock it free... right into our ghoul's hands!
We rush him downfield but he's alone and their block/tackle thrower can reach him with a dodge blitz... he makes the dodge with a RR ... and then rolls a skull!! We waste little time in making it 2-0 with 4 turns til the end.. phew!
We have 9 vs 11 again as we kick off, and they quickly BH our regular-sized mummy and then rush through to make it 2-1 on T7.
One turn left... can they get the blitz? We only have 8 players to try and hold them back if they get it... but luckily it doesn't happen.
GG Markinthepast!”