#4 Tennis Elbow – Dead (RIP) #10 Post Trauma – Gouged Eye (MNG)
“Lucky late TD after taking out their Throw-Ra, but the boys were outmatched and delivered the required casualties to all that ST 5 muscle. Two trees aren't up to facing the Khemri menace without some skills.
What was the greatest moment? Their switchback run, pass, and run move with the 5+ to settle the result, or my Treeman with the 6+ dodge to TTM a last turn TD? Hard to say, but theirs was what mattered. Nasty enough.”
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What was the greatest moment? Their switchback run, pass, and run move with the 5+ to settle the result, or my Treeman with the 6+ dodge to TTM a last turn TD? Hard to say, but theirs was what mattered. Nasty enough.”