CTV 1190k High Elf

No change

Human CTV 1010k

9000 (2 FAME)

Inducements: Star player Puggy Baconbreath
#10 Dyll – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#13 Gwina – Groin Strain (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
GtH took position on the line of scrimage and where the fans of MB invaded the pitch, leaving MB unmolested and assaulted the GtH players, stunning seven of GtHs ten players positioned on the LOS. When the kick eventually landed, it fell square into the hands of Rerka who had taken a forward position on the line. GtH ran the ball down field as far as possible in a desperate attempt to allow their stunned players to recover and play defence. The MBs swooped upon the ball carrier, set up a strong defensive position and Tanya Hyde carefully ran the ball in for their second touch down on the last turn of the 1st half.
The second half began with GtH reduced to 9 players due to injury. The kick landed safely in Fyeran's hands and GtH pushed forward to the top of the field. The MBs misclicked on a critical move, selecting move instead of blitz, allowing Alingwen to get free and recieve a long pass from Fryeran to score on the 2nd turn.
MB recieved the kick and put together a well constructed offence which spread GtH thin trying to defend its numerous mobile threats. On turn four the MBs created a gap in GtHs defence, Sally Forth threw a precision pass to Lou Smorrels who again ran into score.
GtH set up for offence with planning to attack along the top of the board. The MBs kicked a masterful kick at the bottom two squares from the LOS. GtH reorganised their offence and Fyeran promptly fumbled the ball on pickup. True to form the MBs competantly took control of the ball, established a strong pocket around the ball carrier and Shy Sian ran it in four the forth touch down.
Although fortune favoured MB, their coach Badgertehking ran numerous execellent offences which made the most of his more mobile and diverse players. A well deserved win.