“The Majors blew off the LOS and cloud of dust covered the middle of the pitch...3 slann linos go flying through the sky and crash to the ground twitching....send in the boots and clear the injured slann off the pitch.
That was when the slann decided that standing on their goal line waiting the inevitable onslaught. 5 turns later the majors formed up into rankes and marched down the field for the titanic throw down on the goal line. The Slann did leap into the cage and punch the ball out but the majors were to much. Slann were going down at an exceptional rate of attrition and could not stop the goons from going in.
Second half the slann get the ball and retreat to their goal line waiting for an opening to get the score...well the majors just fell back into a shell defense and beat the living tar out of the slann who were trying to get behind us to break for the endzone...on turn 7 the slann make their move with their thrower and 2 other slann moving down field into the endzone. Turn 8 they heave the 5+ pass and hope for the 5+ catch to tie the match.....Overthrew the ball into the 5th row and the slann run to the hills after the match....no mas.”
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That was when the slann decided that standing on their goal line waiting the inevitable onslaught. 5 turns later the majors formed up into rankes and marched down the field for the titanic throw down on the goal line. The Slann did leap into the cage and punch the ball out but the majors were to much. Slann were going down at an exceptional rate of attrition and could not stop the goons from going in.
Second half the slann get the ball and retreat to their goal line waiting for an opening to get the score...well the majors just fell back into a shell defense and beat the living tar out of the slann who were trying to get behind us to break for the endzone...on turn 7 the slann make their move with their thrower and 2 other slann moving down field into the endzone. Turn 8 they heave the 5+ pass and hope for the 5+ catch to tie the match.....Overthrew the ball into the 5th row and the slann run to the hills after the match....no mas.”