“A typical Coach Luo performance, leading his 'on-paper' better team into a complete shemozzle. Well played by the eventual prem champs!
3 points: Lewis McDaniel - His twinkling hoofs saw him cross the line twice, and his synergy with fellow ma7'er Joshua Norris made him a constant irritation
2 points: Joshua Norris - For being the other constant irritant!
1 points: Dean Douglas - Much as I am loath to admit it, he was almost invariably positioned to maximum effect, stifling the usual Dandy agility.”
3 points: Lewis McDaniel - His twinkling hoofs saw him cross the line twice, and his synergy with fellow ma7'er Joshua Norris made him a constant irritation
2 points: Joshua Norris - For being the other constant irritant!
1 points: Dean Douglas - Much as I am loath to admit it, he was almost invariably positioned to maximum effect, stifling the usual Dandy agility.”