CTV 2440k High Elf

40k (-50000)

Chaos Dwarf CTV 2240k
70k (-40000)


No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 wizard
#14 Hannos Cloudglide – Gouged Eye (MNG)
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The elves received and scored fairly quickly - although we lost a blocker for the game on the first turn (putting us down to 2 bulls and 4 blockers for the game). After the kickoff, we secured the ball and marched it downfield...snakes on a dodge by the elves gave us an opening - but we failed 4 blocks, burned our RR on a double skull, then failed a dodge trying to cover our crappy position...no worries, the elves snaked a gfi trying to blitz the ball and we scooted in for the 1-1 halftime score.
The whole first half we did very little to remove elves - infact we only inflicted 2 KOs - both returning, so they had all 14 players for the second half...however with it 1-1 and our ball, we switched to focusing on removing players so we could stall out for the full 8 turn drive. To this end we fired off our wizard on the second turn - and it was a dandy! Hit 4 of 5 elves - 1 prone, 2 stunned, and 1 CAS. We then fouled the ST 5 elf that was prone to take him out. With the elves stunned and down players - we surfed a few and suddenly got some blocks to work and KOed a few more. CAS were not needed - the KOs were just fine and in 3 turns, we had removed the elves down just 4 left...continuing to foul and surf and bash - we secured the full turn TD and the elves did not attempt a long shot 1 turn attempt, so the game ended 2-1.
Thanks for the game!”