“Seriously, this game was not close. If it hadn't been for an errant follow-up by the ball carrier in turn 3 of the first half, it could have been a 2-0 or 1-0 finish. Dirk Dastardly somehow ended up with the MVP despite this boneheaded mistake. Seriously, the guy did nothing for the game; while he had a team-high 11 blocks, the best outcome was a single stun, and most of his time was spent just being in the way. You want an MVP? Take Knife Gash, who spent the opening part of the second half being a wardancer punching bag, but got up like a real man and tripped Figgy Bottom on his ass to recover the ball for MTDI and ultimately ensure the score--but rather than steal glory for himself, he passed the ball over to Poniard Pusher to give him the extra SPP for a skill-up. Class act all around.”
“This one didn't feel nearly as even as this. The woodies' KO box was full to the end! Thankfully MTDI only wanted to KO players for the inaugural match of the CBBL.”
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