CTV 2250k Amazon

50k (-40000)

Orc CTV 1840k
40k (-10000)

20000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 2 bribes, 1 wizard, 1 bloodweiser keg
#12 Evol the seventh – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#13 I also look like the bride – Broken Neck (-AG)
#14 Dorothy the forth or fifth – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#15 Sara Lund the younger – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Lill-Leif bribed the ref and got the wiz.
First half:
The greenskins recieved. And my son started to cry when I was hoping he was asleep. When I came back after 3 minutes the orcs forgot to pickup the ball. It was a short kick and the girls came rushing for the ball. After some fighting back and forth the girls had the ball pretty secure - and KaPow, the wiz was used. BH:ed a decent blitzer. And oh, before that my ss-dt-tl-catcher was killed early, I used the apo and she now has ag2. Its ok, she is costly linefodder or sideprotecter from now. Anyhow, the girls still managed to pull away an aggressive defence and managed luckily to score in turn 6 (I think it was, replay doesnt work). The orcs had 3 turns to score, and I think they were relying on a troll with strong arm and a gobbo with catch and sure feet. But the girls put heavy pressure on that side and managed to keep it to 0-1 at halftime.
Second half:
The girls armour didnt really work today, and I am not sure but I think it was 9 or 10 girls at the start of second half. Maybe 8. The orcs got blitz on kickoff and managed to pick it up. But an important stun gave the girls the ball. But it was a mess! At turn 5 in second half I didnt bother to stand up my three (!) girls, and the orcs could without any problem in the world walk the ball in turn 16. And it was...
Of course I knew the game was lost.
4 girls vs 11 orcs.
I recieved. Orcs got an extra rr I think at kickoff. I dodged and blitzed and tried to get down on one side. Did an ok first turn. Orcs defended, and I am not sure here but I think they forgot to hit one of my players. So... I had one shot to get deeper. A 4+ pass followed by a 4+ catch. Check. A 1-dice blitz (skull) followed by a push and RUNNING! However, I decided to go for two gfi and fell on the last and I was sure it was over. I tried to get away from an assist so it only would be a 1-dice on the ball btw.
But, but... BUT... the orcs took the ball, I managed again to steal it and in turn 5 or something the ball was laying in the corner, in the TD-zone. And I was standing next to it! The only problem was a troll behind me and a st3-greenskin (was it a lineman perhaps?) on the side. I decided to go for a -2dice block to push away the orc and succeeded with a push! Now, all that was left was a dodge (no tackler around and a 3+ pickup), THAT WOULD JUST BE INSANE. And the girl DID IT. 4 amazons managed to score against 11 orcs in OT. What are the odds for that??? I was extremely lucky and I guess Lill-Leif was quite sure he would win. I dunno.
I am sorry for my whining in second half, I was so sure the game was lost, and it was annoying to have 0-10 players out at the time. When I see the stat 32-51 blocks and 1 vs 8 fouls it was understandable. The girls just arent used to not be able to play their game at all. Thanks for a thrilling game!”