CTV 1030k Wood Elf

8000 (2 FAME)
No change

Human CTV 1050k
#4 Fredrick Palesnake – Dead (RIP)
#11 Albert Palefire – Smashed Knee (NI)
#18 Yorick Bluespike – Groin Strain (MNG)
#20 Albert Weakrock – Smashed Knee (NI)
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Turn 1 : Woodies recieving
Woodies: Ball in hand
Turn 2 :
Woodies: KO'd Human Blitzer, Woodies TD! 1 - 0
Kick-off 11 v 10
Human: Ball in hand
Turn 3:
Human: Failed short pass
Woodies: Failed GFI
Turn 4
Human: Wardancer KO'd (10v10) - hand over, short pass, TD! 1-1
Kick off 10 v10
Woodies: ball in hand
Turn 5
Woodies: Failed 2+ Dodge - BH Lineman (8 v 10)
Human: BH Lineman (9 v 10)
Turn 6
Human: Lineman Killed (7 v 10)
Turn 7:
Human: Drop the ball
Turn 8:
Woodies: Block [skull][skull] - ahhhhhhhh
2nd Half 8 v 10 and still 1-1
Turn 1
Human: Ball in Hand, Llineman SI (7 v 10)
Woodies: KO Blitzer (7 v 9)
Turn 2:
Human: Dropped ball on a 3+ dodge (failed rr) - Picked up by Human
Woodies: (Failed to click blitz!)
Turn 3:
Human: Ball in hand! Blitz out of trouble but GFI demon in endzone
Woodies: Failed 2+ rr pass, Failed GFI! Player KO'd 6 v 9
Turn 4:
Human: Ball in hand and TD 2-1 (7 v 11)
kick off
Woodies: Ball in hand
Turn 5:
Woodies: Ball down - failed leap
Human: Lineman SI (6 v 11)
Turn 6:
Human: LIneman Ko'd (5 v 11)
Woodies: TD! 2 : 2 amazing dodge - 2 x GFI (no demon this time!)
Turn 7: 6 v 11
Humans : Ball in hand and the perfect cage within striking distance to win!
Woodies: KO'd Human Blocker, Woodie LIneman SI on 2+ Dodge (5 v 11), TD 3 -2
Turn 8: 5 v 11
Kick off and the clock is turned back 2 turns!
Turn 7:
Woodies:Ball in hand - Lineman BH (on GFI) 4 v 11
Human: [skull][skull] - Blizter KO'd
Turn 8: Nothing to report
Final score 3 - 2
Injuries : Woodies
1 BH, 2 SI and 1 Killed
Injuries : Human