Kick off
Turn 5
human: Ball in hand
lizards: Str 4 lineman BH (10v10)
Turn 6
human:[skull][skull] rr [push] - GFI Demon on Orge...
lizards: Ball on floor! Ball in Hand! GFI,GFI,GFI - The demon is back - BH [apo] Recvoered
Turn 7
Turn 8
Human: Ball in hand! Pass is long, very long but it's caught and a dash to the line GFi, GFI - yup GFI demon is back!
LIzards:[skull][skull] no rerolls
2nd half (11 v 11)
Kick off (Human) rerolls all around
Lizards: Lineman KO'd (11v10) Ball in hand and passed
Turn 2:
Turn 3:
Lizards: 8 dice without a pow - shocker
Humans:Ball carrier blitz and ball on floor - ball in hand
Turn 4:
Lizards:Ball carrier blocked - ball in hand - long pass good - catch rubbish
Humans:Skink SI (10v11), dodge failed....ball still on floor
Turn 5
Lizards: Human ball catch survives 6 block dice! TD 2 - 1
Kick Off (10v11) - Touch back
Humans: Ball in hand -nice position
First Half
Woodies Kick
Turn 1
Human: Ball in hand
Lizards:Going for the block on ball carrier - GFI demon!
Human:Saurus Ko'd (10v11) TD 0-1
Kick off (10v11) - Player down Human Lineman (10 v 10)
Lizards:Ball inhand
Turn 3
Turn 4
Human: Saurus KO'd (9v10)
Lizards: TD 1-1 (10v11)
Kick off
Turn 5
human: Ball in hand
lizards: Str 4 lineman BH (10v10)
Turn 6
human:[skull][skull] rr [push] - GFI Demon on Orge...
lizards: Ball on floor! Ball in Hand! GFI,GFI,GFI - The demon is back - BH [apo] Recvoered
Turn 7
Turn 8
Human: Ball in hand! Pass is long, very long but it's caught and a dash to the line GFi, GFI - yup GFI demon is back!
LIzards:[skull][skull] no rerolls
2nd half (11 v 11)
Kick off (Human) rerolls all around
Lizards: Lineman KO'd (11v10) Ball in hand and passed
Turn 2:
Turn 3:
Lizards: 8 dice without a pow - shocker
Humans:Ball carrier blitz and ball on floor - ball in hand
Turn 4:
Lizards:Ball carrier blocked - ball in hand - long pass good - catch rubbish
Humans:Skink SI (10v11), dodge failed....ball still on floor
Turn 5
Lizards: Human ball catch survives 6 block dice! TD 2 - 1
Kick Off (10v11) - Touch back
Humans: Ball in hand -nice position
Turn 6
Lizards: Thrower BH (10v10)
Humans: Saurus KO'd (9v10) - TD 2-2
Kick Off (10v10)
Turn 7:
Lizards: Ball in hand
Human: skink ko'd (8v10)
Turn 8:
Lizards: Ball safe - miles away from anyone
Interesting stat - 4 GFI Demons! in the first half
An excellent fun game full of all the good stuff!
The result shows a draw but we all know who won - BLOOD BOWL! (oh and the lizards won 'technically' as they gained 1 more SPP from a skink the passes)
Thanks again”