CTV 1250k Norse

10000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Chaos Renegade CTV 1340k


#4 Kveldulf – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#8 Tysdagr – Dead (RIP)
#5 Larry – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#6 Curly – Dead (RIP)
#10 Gilligan – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The remainder of the first half I had to gamble on playing elvish style with my Norse lineman trying to run short from the endzone and waiting for the ball to fly in. Surrounded by the marauders this didn't work but somehow the marauders started to get knocked out thanks to some sort of piling on skill (failing both down blocks) the Troll seemed to have discovered.
Getting the ball in the second half the Norse players didn't know what to do. They tried running the lineman to the front again which diverted some of the attention away from the LOS and suddenly things started to happen. One by one the marauders were carried from the pitch. The Norse saw an oppening but the passer fumbled the ball. A marauding player got hold of it and managed to break away towards the endzone. A 0-2 was in the making but the remaining Norse berserker wouldn't have it and managed to injure the culprit right there. By the time the passer got a hold of the ball again only four or so marauders remained on the field. The last turn promised to be exciting with a quick pass, gfi, handoff and no reroll to spare the Norse managed to score the tie!
I've never seen such a brutal game. My screen was just dripping blood onto my keyboard! Both teams can use a good recovery game right about now but the SOUPA tournament awaits for their next round. Cheers to Rooke for an entertaining game.”