CTV 2000k Dwarf

40k (-20000)
No change

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 bribe, 1 wizard, Star player Flint Churnblade
Nurgle CTV 2430k
40k (-50000)

22000 (1 FAME)

No change
#7 Twilight Sparkle – Broken Neck (-AG)
#2 Dirty KenThis – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The Equestrians induce babe, bribe, wiz and flint.. They win the cointoss but lose FAME.
We kickoff. Cheering fans for a +1 RR to Nurgle. Dwarves setup a midfield cage, get clawpombd several times but nothing happens, stuns rerolled to stuns. Dwarves advance 1 square per round until turn 3 when stuff starts happening. Flint saws Lily, a rotter out after wasting a bribe earlier.
At T4 the nurgle have the opportunity of a lifetime to turnover the score, needs a 2die pow to get 2die on the ball (no dodge carrier), then ag4 pickup. The first block fails, this plan gets abandoned and instead of marking the ballcarrier with two NWs we 2die the saw. Tenkrat the star Clawpomb NW spends the rest of his half trying to unsuccesfully kill flint.
Dwarves advance fairly steadily. On T5 they clear out Atte, the clawpomb, into the KO box for the rest of the match. On T6 Mikko lehtonen, the star elfpestigor joins the KO box along with John Basilone, wood elven LOS specialist.
On T6 due to a somewhat open cage-setup, we get a 1die blitz on the ball, but skull it out saving rerolls for the possible T7 new attempt + the oneturner. On T7 we get another attempt with a 3+ dodge, the ball is powd into the EZ corner but the ball does NOT bounce out ouf bounds (5/8) and stays right next to EZ, rotgut stands guarding the ball. Vlad fails a dodge & joins the party in the KO box.
T8 for dwarves is a bit of a catastrophy, first.. Kimmo joins the KO box party so we now have our top3 pestigors, a block guard mb tentacle NW and a wrestling rotter in the box. Anyway, the pickup FAILS and we dont concede a TD! We dont get to try nurgle oneturn this time either!
We fail 6/6 KO rolls.
We still havent managed to injure a dwarf, so 11 dwarves setup against 3 NWs, a beast, a pestigor (block tack +AG), and 5 fairly unskilled rotters. Mary has wrestle to help out at least ;-). We manage to pow to dwarves, but fail to break armor so we dont have enough players to assist beast in blocking his guy. Beast is blocked back.
By turn 9 we have a fairly good sideline cage behind the dwarfline with no real dwarven threat to the ballcarrier so the wizard intervenes.. By fireball, Jade & Antti (pestigor with ball) dodge the blast but khorneworshipper Dirty KenThis is devoured by the flames (killed, then decay killed - his third death in 2 days) after only two turns in his new glorious form! By a wizard! Ball gets blitzed lose, antti survives the pile on but gets stunned. Ball bounces towards the dwarves in no tacklezones.. We're in trouble!
In our T2 we clear out as many TZs as we can while tentacling as many dorfs as we can. We've marked all the nearby dwarves and Kamil the clawpomb NW is standing guard over the ball. Dwarves clear these players, but dont go for a pickup this turn yet though they could have ran a runner through. Beast keeps ST4 Trollslayer nightmare moon in his tentacles.
In our T11 tenkrat gets the first nurgle cas/ko from BHing ditzy doo, who is apoed. In addition to that we clear out as many dwarf TZs as we can from the ball, and Antti elfs the ball free with some 2+ 3+ 2+ 2+ series. We get a semisafe screen of NWs & beast by using all our freeblocks, including a loner 2die block on the trollslayer.
Dwarves clear out our semisafe screen without problems, but waste a reroll on foul appearance doing it. The st4 frenzyblocker fails to roll push/pow or pow and Antti is standing upright!
By turn 12 tenkrat SI's a dwarf, while antti elfs to safety from 2 TZs. We stand up our playesr to slow dwarves down. We get a screen ready by the next turn and dwarves have no way to threaten ball. Antti scores with a 2die blitz on our T7.
Dwarves BH mary Bartowksi but fail their pass for the twoturn due to disturbing presence of the beast of nurgle. The game is won! Oulun Nurglet qualify to the next round!
Great game from Blader4411. Much harder than I expected, the game very clearly demonstrates why you should not *just* rely on clawpombing and always have a second plan. The dwarves controlled the game for nearly 12 turns, but with some elfplays by the elf-pestigors we managed to hold them at bay, even when they had put out 5 of our 9 best players and upmanned us 11vs10. We had plenty of opportunities to prevent the score in the first half, the most desperate of which actually ended up working. The T4-5 probably the best chance though.
The wizard then.. was just horrible in this match. IF the dwarf runner had picked up the ball guarded by my clawpomb, I very much doubt there would have been much I could do to turnover the game.
All in all I think the right coach & team qualified but the inducements and the somewhat low rolls on injuries throughout the game more than evened out the playing field!
KenThis the dirty khorne worshipper was doublemurdered by a wizard! Of all things, a wizard!”