“I do this to myself too often. I try to play a bashy team with a soft team. Just because. For the hell of it. And it backfires every time. The game is littered with big mistakes from me, such as recalling (not checking) that stiletto gives a player a dagger for the game (and giving it to a Gutter Runner...), or failing to realise that Foul Appearance stacks (and I have a TR 200+ Rotters team...). And so on and so forth. In addition to this I managed to makes some well placed 1s and 2s in tight situations.
So, halfway through the 2nd half it looked as if I was well and truly F****D. The Rat Ogre and my BADLY needed Guard Vermin were both out, and the rest of the team was either stunned, caught by the Beast or just badly positioned. Stalling for a win would have been the easiest thing in the world. I had nothing. And then Bardurnon runs in the TD. I'm suspecting he felt sorry for me after my Stoooopid plays, or he might just have figured that he could get another TD in against my scattered rats. Either way I got a chance. And started by blowing it wholesale when I tried a pass next to no less than 3 Foul Appearance players. So very bad. But this is when the Gutter Runners save the day. Hospitality and Autonomy manage to recover the ball and break through the wall of Foulness before them, and out of range for the good lookers Hospitality tried a short pass to his rat friend ahead to secure the TD. And fumbles. So they come again. In hordes. Stinky Rotters and Beastmen and even a Beast lumbered up close to the ball, but not close enough. Only two Beastmen on the ball. And there it was. The last turn. Autonomy picks up pace, fearlessly jumps in front of the Mad Cows and snags the ball. As they swing after the Runner, he nimbly jumps to one side and heads of to the endzone. And GFI and it's in. And a goddamn unexpected tie.
So, halfway through the 2nd half it looked as if I was well and truly F****D. The Rat Ogre and my BADLY needed Guard Vermin were both out, and the rest of the team was either stunned, caught by the Beast or just badly positioned. Stalling for a win would have been the easiest thing in the world. I had nothing. And then Bardurnon runs in the TD. I'm suspecting he felt sorry for me after my Stoooopid plays, or he might just have figured that he could get another TD in against my scattered rats. Either way I got a chance. And started by blowing it wholesale when I tried a pass next to no less than 3 Foul Appearance players. So very bad. But this is when the Gutter Runners save the day. Hospitality and Autonomy manage to recover the ball and break through the wall of Foulness before them, and out of range for the good lookers Hospitality tried a short pass to his rat friend ahead to secure the TD. And fumbles. So they come again. In hordes. Stinky Rotters and Beastmen and even a Beast lumbered up close to the ball, but not close enough. Only two Beastmen on the ball. And there it was. The last turn. Autonomy picks up pace, fearlessly jumps in front of the Mad Cows and snags the ball. As they swing after the Runner, he nimbly jumps to one side and heads of to the endzone. And GFI and it's in. And a goddamn unexpected tie.
Thnx Bardurnon. Good game.”