19 coaches online • Server time: 08:42
CTV 1850k Dwarf
50k (-10000)
Dark Elf CTV 1650k
15000 (1 FAME)
Inducements: 1 wizard, 1 bloodweiser keg
#13 Idoal Chillbane – Fractured Arm (MNG)
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The Ruffians ar really building a grudge against these Vipers.
My opening drive was halted by the Wiz and those tricksy elfs got the ball away and scored. With 2 turns the dwarfs put in a good effort, Cadeyrn MagFoirtchern was knocked over with the ball but recovered, dodged away, picked it up and threw it successfully to Fáelan the Fleet. Fáelan made his first dodge but the second was too hard and the Dwarfs were 0-1 down and kicking at half-time.
The second half the delfs got cocky and both Cadeyrn and Áed the Burned managed to put pressure on deep. Cadeyrn got the ball and scored and the game was on a knife's edge.
Kicking again and again the elfs were cocky. A loner dodge left Kefa Doomseer exposed and Cadeyrn hit hard enough to put the delf out for the game. From there it seemed a simple thing for Fáelan to run the loose ball in but his sure hands failed him at the crucial time and he spilt the easy pick-up. Starseer was able to recover and dodge and pick-up an throw with un-natural agility, and Undertheif ran the ball far enough away that time expired on a 1-1 draw
1 vote; Kunfa Riftworm - his strength meant he got loose in the first half and he was able to receive the pass and run it home. But he barely played half the game with heat exhaustion an injury.
2 votes; Ubahitad Underthief - She was hard to knock own and her jump-up an frenzy were crucial to the last few turns as a defensive passing option.
3 votes; Texuhaoz Starseer - was everywhere, ignore TZs, made the play to set up the TD by gathering and throwing in a TZ. Made the defensive play to save the game by gathering and throwing in a TZ. Great under pressure!”