CTV 1770k Tomb Kings

70k (-10000)
14000 (1 FAME)
No change

Inducements: Star player Hack Enslash
Necromantic Horror CTV 1900k
50k (-20000)


#14 Kriss Proctor – Groin Strain (MNG)
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Nevada executed a deep kick off utlizing the skills of aptly named zombie, "Far better place" and the navy moved forward covering the entire line of scrimmage and Hack Enslash moved forward to test his blade on Star Golem John Shakleton, stunning him. Nevada retaliated with a MB from Wight Frama Crypt II which sent Hack Enslash to the KO box and Alpha Wolf Silver Bullet running unopposed into the Navy backfield.
The first half then developed into two scrums. One for the ball involving the wolves, and a ghoul for nevada and a throa-ra, Tomb Guardian and two skeletons for Navy. The other scrum involved the zombies and golems from nevada facing off against the tomb guardians and skeletons from Navy. After a protracted struggle Silver Bullet ended up with the ball deep in the Navy half on the sideline and padded in for the T8 defensive score.
The 2nd half opened with John Barrowman claiming the ball on the out of bounds kick off in the midst of a fan riot. Nevada unveiled a new play -- sending both ghouls, both wolves and Froma Crypt II split into two co-horts into the mid-backfield of Navy on turn 9. On turn 10 Froma Crypt dodged out of a TZ completing a blitz on Navy skeleton Erik Kettenai, stunning him. This freed the galloping ghoul and John Barrowman ran forward, completing a short pass which was nearly dropped (used a RR). Galloping ghoul then ran in for the T10 touchdown.
Not to be denied Navy received the ensuing kick-off and grinded down the field in the cage. Wight Quarterback John Barrowman tripped going through a TZ on his T16 attempt to stop the otherwise wide open Matt Wimsatt V from scoring.
Well played Aenir and good luck for the rest of the season.
Go Dead, Go!