CTV 1930k Dark Elf

60k (-20000)

Tomb Kings CTV 1830k
20k (-10000)


Inducements: 1 bribe
#1 Gert – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#5 Steve Young – Damaged Back (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Thanks for the game, Bentkarlson. Time to let go of Gert and Steve Young I think :)
My CR woes continue. I was 6 CR and 100 TV lower than my opponent, yet still lost nearly a whole point of CR. I really think the new CR formula is basing its calculation on our previous (now-frozen) CRs. This would explain a lot, as I was 165.78 before the merger.
Update: Ooooh, for the first time in Ranked, EVER, I have thrown more blocks than my opponent (by 2). 333 games and 14244 blocks thrown to reach this mark. My overall CAS rate is higher by 35, but I'm lagging behind in both the SI and RIP depts (-73 and -4 respectively). Gotta hop to it and start hurting more players.”