“The Bombers started off on the wrong foot when the Vanquishers kicked deep and blitzed the ball. The rookie line held their ground and did what they know best...bashing heads.
It was the thralls that bought down the ball carrier but were unable to keep control. Odell Williams collected the ball and lumbered in for the TD.
The second half dawned in a driving snowstorm. The Vanquishers started strong collected the ball removed beasts with knock outs and fouls, but Nuffle determined it was not to be. A lone vampire streaked away out of reach of pursuing beasts only to fall prey to his own hungers. Spying a pretty maid on the sidelines he dropped the ball and swooped down on his victim.
Out-manned and short on thralls the Vanquishers did all they could to stop the Bomber juggernaut but it was not to be. At the whistle Nick Fitzgibbon receives the hand-off and stomps in for the final score of 2-0.”
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