CTV 1900k Human

10k (-20000)

Lizardmen CTV 1910k
60k (-20000)

15000 (1 FAME)

#3 Boris Monsterboon – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#6 Rodaxel Gunnarson – Dead (RIP)
#10 Lady Xira Arien – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The FUMBBL birthday zombies were floating around this match, which helped the Lovable Bunnies three-fold:
(a) They were gifted with a ST4 zombie to plug the hole in the ranks left by the #5 Saurus who was recovering from a gouged eye.
(b) The Lovable Bunnies, who usually run a tight roster, now had several available replacements for their fragile skinks, whereas Vaevictis Asmadi-- already cautious enough to bring along some subs, now had some comparative dead-weight.
(c) Because of the surplus of players, the Bunnies began fouling recklessly, and broke armor with tremendous consistency. (e.g. consecutive 12's, etc.)
But all this would have been nothing without the Lovable Bunnies injury rolls, which were truly appalling. Neither coach seemed to lie in the "Hurt My Players And I'll Hate You" school of thought, but Nuffle really put Coach MadTias to the test on this one.
After the human Apo was used early on for a decapitated lineman, Nuffle dealt a second crude blow to the humans: While Leaf, the Bunnies' Legendary (and legendarily cocky) scorer, was stalling near the endzone doing his infamous Endzone Dance, the venerable human lineman Rodaxel Gunnarson became enraged, and after jumping to his feet and performing a series of impressive dodges, clonked the little twerp right on the head, knocking him out cold. However, just as the crowd was beginning to roar with approval, a blow from Bunnies' kicker Alexander Face-Smash, well.... face-smashed him. (We believe he didn't feel much pain.)
Without any skinks left on the pitch to explain the process in greater detail, the Sauri were initially confused as to how to pick up the ball. Vaevictis Asmadi was unable to take advantage of the moment, as Nuffle tripped them up at every attempt. Eventually, saurus blocker Sir McDoogal-Scrotumbasher managed to impale the ball on his horn, before unwittingly wandering into the endzone, enticed by the aroma of a roasting gutter-runner.
Beatings continued in the second half for both sides, but always harder on Vaevictis Asmadi, who couldn't quite seem to break the Bunnies' tough armor.
The final spiteful blow of Nuffle came on the last drive, as the last 8 humans were readying their final noble offence, with the hopes of their 7 injured comrades riding on them. In a freak twist, a rock thrown from the crowd landed squarely on the hip of Boris Monsterboon, the human blitzer noted for his remarkable strength, who had almost single-handedly stopped the saurus offense earlier in the game. (To worsen the matter, a previous match had resulted in a smashed ankle, which left him short of stride already, and this new injury puts any future career into question, even for a player as exceptional as he. )
Monsterboon's role had been crucial to this current drive, and without it, the Vaevictis Asmadi just couldn't break though the Bunnies' defense, even given a slew of foolish maneuvers by opposing team captain Carlo Nosebiter-McDoogal Esq.
A force none-other than dark hand of Nuffle had decided that the Bunnies were to be unstoppable that day, even permitting a loner-skink to make the pick-up, sprint, and hand-off, and allowing the Bunnies their undeserved 3rd score. As they walked off the pitch, they savoured the crowd's approval, and the glory of their victory, but deep in their hearts, they knew... someday, they will pay it back with their own cold blood.
MadTias is an excellent coach, a gentleman, he and bore some of Nuffle's most severe punishment without complaint.
Sir, I hope we can play more in the future, I will accept any future games from you!
The very next match has seen the Lovable Bunnies pay for their aforementioned time in Nuffle's good graces. Peter Rabbit, the Bunnies' 127spp Kroxigor, was torn to bunny chunks today by the claws of Jerjes, a frightfully powerful Chaos Minotaur. Peter was an exceptional player, skilled in amazing ways. Defying all statistics, he managed to be the decisive MVP in over 20% of his recorded games, and was awarded his final such accolade posthumously. (Take that, RNG!!)
We wish we could say that he is survived by his brothers, Floppsy, Moppsy, and Cottontail, but unfortunately they have all already been killed in previous games. Team Captain Carlo Nosebiter-McDoogal is pessimistic about the upcoming season without their star Kroxigor, and is reportedly considering retiring the team from the field. Unfortunately, he could not be reached for comment because everyone is afraid of him.
For details of the match: