“A win after a long non-winning drought. \o/ I had almost forgotten what this felt like, especially on this team. KB was a great sport throughout. I bought a bribe and used it with to moderate effect, though I did burn it on a non-break foul. Lost the DP a few turns later but he had done his job with some KOs and timely stuns. It's debateable whether he earned his first VP, but I'll let him celebrate this one as he did his job.
Entire game played in a Blizzard. First half kick off events were Blitz! (against me) and Pitch Invasion (stunned 5 of my guys vs. none of KBs but it actually meant less hits against me so I call it a wash as it was T8). Second half kick off events included a Blitz (against KB) to start, followed by a Riot then another Riot, both of which ate time off the clock (which effectively hurt KB's chances of scoring a late TD). For once I had rerolls to spare at the end of each half. KB did not, burning through his early on a fairly high number of double skulls and/or skull/pows when he had no Block skill. Most of the rerolls were solid POWs, but he missed those rerolls at the end.
Entire game played in a Blizzard. First half kick off events were Blitz! (against me) and Pitch Invasion (stunned 5 of my guys vs. none of KBs but it actually meant less hits against me so I call it a wash as it was T8). Second half kick off events included a Blitz (against KB) to start, followed by a Riot then another Riot, both of which ate time off the clock (which effectively hurt KB's chances of scoring a late TD). For once I had rerolls to spare at the end of each half. KB did not, burning through his early on a fairly high number of double skulls and/or skull/pows when he had no Block skill. Most of the rerolls were solid POWs, but he missed those rerolls at the end.
Good game, KhornedBeef.”