CTV 1810k Chaos Chosen

10k (-10000)

Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 bloodweiser keg
Necromantic Horror CTV 2000k
70k (-20000)


No change
#2 Sacris Von Hel – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#11 Hiney Ho! – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#12 Waxman – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#1 Superfreak – Fractured Skull (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The MTV crew had a lot of things go their way this game. A Blitz on the opening kickoff and a lot of pressure led to an early turnover/score. Got the ball on the second kickoff too but couldn't hang onto it (Blodge attracts POWs and I rerolled stupid blocks). Arktoris led his Flames to an awesome T8 pass/score, but I was able to exact a toll in bodies and had a manpower advantage by the second half. I foolishly rerolled yet another block that led to Superfreak being injured. My bad. Still gonna keep him as he's pretty good and close to getting the Block skill (wouldn't have helped him this game as I rerolled 2 pushes into 2 skulls). Did lose the ball briefly on offense, but got it back and even managed to stall a turn. Then the next kickoff event was a riot and the clock was rolled forward (poor Arktoris, no breaks). With 11 vs. 7 (I think) I was able to pressure the ballcarrier and forced him into a bad situation. Got the ball and even managed to score a 3rd TD to nail the coffin shut. One thing that really helped me this game (besides the things I already mentioned) was The Flames early inability to pick up the ball AND my dodge players never failing a Dodge roll. In fact, I don't think I failed a single dodge or gfi the entire game (though I did have to reroll a few). Also, my armor held up rather well to the Flames hitting power and regen was only tested a few times. When the dice are hot, you have to ride it.
Great game, Arktoris. Fun as always and I look forward to our next match.
This is my 2nd time advancing out of the 1st round of a Major, and the first time in Ranked.
Edit: This game was also my 600th victory on FUMBBL. Yay me. I was honored to get it against a good coach like Arktoris.”